The Town of Brookfield
Selectboard Meeting
27 June at 7:00 PM
Town Clerk’s Office
Board Meeting Minutes Draft
Present: Selectman John Benson, Selectman Jeff Kimmel, Road Foreman Ray Peck, Pat Mercier, Cemetery Commissioner Melanie LaRocque, Cemetery Commissioner Mike Herold, Administrative Assistant Kasey Peterson
1. Call to Order – 7:00 PM
2. Adjustments to Agenda – Constable Kevin Joyal and Ruth Goodale were present before the meeting and discussed the dogs in pond village. Mrs. Goodale was happy with Kevin Joyal’s response to her complaint. The item was removed from the agenda.
3. Public Presentation or Comment – none
4. Old Business
A. Mr. Benson moved to accept amended minutes of the 13 June meeting, seconded by Mr. Kimmel. Voted 2-0
B. Mrs. Mercier was present to thank Ray Peck for the work he has done trying to establish a safe right of way past her house on Lavender Road. To preserve the edge of her lawn, Mrs. Mercier has put rocks down eleven feet from the house, one foot from the travelled lane. Mr. Benson suggested she move the rocks back one foot so they are not a potential road hazard. The discussion revolved around the safety of the traveled way and the safety of Mrs. Mercier’s house. Last year there were fiberglass rods on the edge of the road that are considered to be in keeping with the current Town Plan. It was agreed that Mrs. Mercier would remove the rocks from the edge of the road and replace them with fiberglass rods.
Mrs. Mercier also noted that there is no place for utility trucks to park safely out of the traveled way. Mr. Benson explained that changing a legal right of way is a lengthy process with multiple steps including gaining permission from adjacent land owners and court proceedings. Mrs. Mercier understood and was in agreement that a step of that scope is unnecessary.
Mrs. Mercier asked about the speed limit. The limit on Lavender Road, as on all Vermont roads, is 50 mph unless otherwise posted. Mr. Benson suggested Mrs. Mercier talk to the Town Safety Committee regarding her concerns about speed on Lavender road as the committee is currently conducting a study on speed limits for all Brookfield roads.
C. Old Town Hall Assemblage Permits – Mr. Kimmel spoke to Perry Kasick regarding the Selectboard’s concerns about parking. Mr. Kasick has come up with a standard parking plan for all upcoming events which will be added to the Assemblage Permit applications. Mr. Kimmel made a motion that the Board approve the permits as amended. Seconded by Mr. Benson. Voted 2-0.
5. New Business
A. Mike Herold and Melanie LaRocque were present to remind the Selectboard that their terms as Cemetery Commissioners terms are over as of Town Meeting Day 2017, and neither of them intends to run for reelection. They also reported on work that has been done on the cemeteries. In Brookfield Center, granite posts have been moved and roadway established so that people visiting the cemetery do not drive over graves. Work still needs to be done.
There are currently 118 grave markers in total that are in need of repair or have fallen over, and a large number of stones that are leaning. Fixing them will be a costly endeavor. To get started, Mr. Herold has made an agreement with a local company to trade the extra granite posts that were not needed in the Brookfield Center Cemetery in exchange for repairs to the grave stones.
Mr. Herold suggested that an individual might be hired to perform the duties of the cemetery commissioner. Mr. Kimmel pointed out that a change from an elected Cemetery Commission would require dissolving those positions at Town Meeting. Mr. Benson asked Mr. Herold and Mrs. LaRocque to provide the Board with some sort of job description and an estimate of how many hours per month a position of that nature would require.
Discussion of Memorial Day flags and their placement included asking for help from the school or the Boy Scouts. Currently Mr. Herold is solely responsible for making sure flag are placed on veteran graves in the spring and removed in the fall.
The historical society has taken over the stewardship of the civil war memorial.
Jason’s Handiworks is currently doing an excellent job keeping our cemeteries mowed. Mr. Herold will contact Jason Herring to discuss his contract in light of the Department of Labor changes to the workman’s compensation requirements.
Mr. Benson thanked Mr. Herold and Mrs. LaRocque for all their hard work.
B. Highway Report – Mr. Peck reported that the Ridge Road paving by Pike Industries will begin during the last week of July or first week of August.
The culvert below Maple lane needs to be changed. Ray would like to contract some of the work to Wheatley & Sons. Due to changes in the workman’s compensation laws, Mr. Wheatley will have to sign some paperwork for the town before work begins.
1. Park and Ride Grant – no action
2. Salt Bid – Mr. Benson moved to execute agreement with Cargill. Mr. Kimmel seconded.
Voted 2-0
3. Mr. Peck asked to upgrade the highway department cell phone to one that will take better pictures and can act as a wi-fi hotspot if necessary. The upgrade is free, The Board agreed.
4. Internet service at the garage would enable Mr. Peck to receive e-mail at work, save time ordering parts, and provide instruction manuals for equipment and tutorials to do repairs. The Selectboard asked Mrs. Peterson to explore the options and expense.
5. Thomas Young is willing to sell some or all of parcel to the Town to provide space to extend the garage property and enable the town to make much needed changes to the garage and outbuildings. Mr. Peck will walk the property and establish how much, if any, of Mr. Young’s property might be suitable for such use.
6. Results of Risk Assessment Meeting with VLCT – Jim Carrien provided a safety plan for Brookfield to utilize. The plan includes purchase of safety equipment which can be offset by a VLCT grant, templates for paperwork, and policy samples. Mrs. Peterson will be working with the Highway Department to implement the changes.
C. Mr. Benson made a motion to appoint Julie Benedict as the Town of Brookfield’s White River Valley Ambulance Representative and appoint Andy Courville as the alternate. Mr. Kimmel seconded. Vote 2-0
D. The Board signed paperwork granting Administrative Assistant, Kasey Peterson, a raise for the coming fiscal year.
E. The budget was discussed and recently received invoices were added to warrant.
F. The Department of Labor has made changes to the workman’s compensation rules. Contractors will need to be covered either through their own insurers or by the municipality. The new standards are not completely clear and often contradictory. Coverage for contractors hired by the Town of Brookfield will be handled on a case by case basis to ensure the safety of all individuals involved and adherence to the standards.
6. Policy And Ordinance Review – Tabled
7. Payroll/AP Warrant
A. Mr. Benson moved to pay warrants in the amount of 44,066.41 which included recently received invoices. Mr. Kimmel seconded the motion, Voted 2-0
B. The Board members signed Payroll Warrants for 06/16/16 and 06/23/2016
8. Other proper business
A. Town Attorney Pam Stafford was not required to be present at the first bankruptcy hearing for James Moorcroft, but has advised the court that the Town of Brookfield is an interested party in the proceeding.
B. The Board is considering a public hearing to discuss possible changes to the class designation for part of Old Stage Road.
C. The Board thanks Aaron Adler for his 16 years of service with the Brookfield Planning Commission and wishes him much luck in his future endeavors.
9. Mr. Kimmel made a motion of adjournment at 9:44. Mr. Benson seconded. Vote 2-0