Present and Voting: Kym Anderson, Amy Borgman, Dan Childs, Emily Noyes, Cat Wright
Present and Not voting: Laura Rochat, librarian
-Minutes were accepted
-Treasurer’s Report: We continue to be in good financial shape as we approach the end of our Town fiscal year, June 30, 2017. We will review the final report at our July meeting.
-Librarian’s Report: Our numbers continue to be good although we have recently lost 2 of our more faithful readers.
The Dept of Libraries held a YA and picture book give-away which Laura attended, netting us 20 free books! (Thank you!)
Laura is currently coordinating summer programming. In the works is a reading program for children with John and Janet Poeton. We plan on coordinating with the OTH to present a VCH program, subject and date to be determined. We have passed on an offer to hold another book sale in coordination with the OTH and instead will continue to put selected donated or discarded books on the free/exchange shelves and box up and send the remainder to Better World Books. The Brookfield Library does hope to have the Arts Bus come to the Library 2-3 times this summer, dates and times TBD. Due to the multiple summer offerings at the OTH the Library will defer other programming at this time.
-Old Business: Star Strong’s presentation was well received. She was surprised and delighted about her honorarium which she will donate to a conservation cause.
A new rug for the vestibule is on its way.
-New business: Barb Schaedler will be contacted about doing a Green-Up Day at the Library, May 6, 2017 as we have done for the past several years.
The Board reviewed a new Librarian evaluation tool received from Kimball Library. It was de- and re-constructed to our specific needs and will be revised and brought to the next meeting for review.
-Next Trustee Meeting is scheduled for Monday May 22, 6:30 PM.