Present and Voting: Kym Anderson, Amy Borgman, Dan Childs, Emily Noyes
Present and Not Voting: Laura Rochat (librarian)
Not Present: Cat Wright
1. The Minutes were accepted.
2. Treasurer’s Report: The BFPL finances are stable and the financial reports continue to be co-monitored by Emily Noyes.
3. Librarian’s Report: Borrowing numbers have dropped with the departure of the Summer people although the E- book use is on the rise. Laura continues to read at the local Playgroup and some new families have visited the library. Laura is also attending meetings of the Orange County librarians, the first meeting was in September and will be held quarterly, ongoing.
4. Old Business: The Endangered Alphabets, VCH sponsored program, was moderately successful. We struggle with when would be an ideal time to have programs. Our Library is eligible for 2 programs from VCH per year and we will consider another presentation…not sure when.
5. New Business: More of the same. Members of the Board and Laura were considering ideas for a program. We are asked to check the VCH Web-site for possible ideas or see if a community member could do a hands-on work-shop. Laura is also considering an after-school kid’s program as a single program or perhaps a few weeks running. The winter knitting program, helmed by Mary-Lou Maeder, is due to begin the first and third Sundays of the winter months, November 5 being the first one for this year.
6. Next meeting will be held December 4, 2017. See you then!