Meeting Minutes of the Brookfield Conservation Commission 5-18-20
Present: Jon Binhammer, Kathy Kinter, Sue Shea, Jon Jickling.
Zoom meeting came to order at 7:05 PM
January minutes were unanimously approved as presented. February’s meeting was cancelled due to weather and we did not meet March or April due to covid 19.
There was no one from the public in attendance.
Lamson Pond Fen Conservation Project: Closing is proceeding and should be finalized in the next couple weeks. All agreed a hike open to a limited number of the public with physical distancing will be planned for summer. Some trail clearing may need to occur. Public access routes were discussed.
Planning Commission collaboration RE: Act 171/Forest Fragmentation: Jon J will share a summary of Jens Hilke’s presentation at the upcoming meeting. We agreed to all learn more about the high priority areas as designated and what might be done to protect them so that we can create a proposal. Sue will reach out to Jens again for information. We agreed that field trips to some of the areas would be helpful.
Tabled Website and ash borer discussions. Town forester will be invited to the next meeting.Green Up Day: Bonnie will do it this year for the last time. We will discuss our adoption of it for next year. Jon B will ask the selectboard at the next meeting if they will approve the town truck coming to W Brookfield to pick up trash. If so, he will get bags, and Sue or Kathy will pick them up. Sue will reach out to village residents about helping on May 30.
Zoom meeting came to abrupt end, as we ran out of time.
Tabled: Brainstorming and prioritizing projects for 2020
Next meeting: Monday, June 15 7:00 PM Town Library, if weather conducive or Zoom
Meeting Adjourned at 7:40 PM
Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Kinter