Minutes of the Meeting of
Town Clerk’s Office
August 23, 2021
THOSE PRESENT: John Benson, Chair; Jeff Kimmel, Brenda Flint, Kate Threlkeld, Board Members; Tim Higgins, Road Crew Foreman; Betty Lord, Secretary; Ben Koren, Pete Mancauskas, and Larry Brassard. (Dennis LaRocque, Board Member, was not present at the meeting.)
ACTION ON WARNED REVISED CEMETERY POLICIES – Mr. Benson and Mr. Kimmel explained to those in attendance the changes made to the cemetery policies including, but not limited to, the ownership of the stones in the Town cemeteries. During the first 50 years of a stone being placed in a Brookfield cemetery the stone will belong to the family of the deceased. At the end of 50 years, the ownership of the stone will revert to the Town. Mr Benson made a motion to adopt the new cemetery policies as presented with the policies becoming effective as of the date of this meeting. Mr. Kimmel seconded the motion which was unanimously approved. 4-0-0.
- CALL TO ORDER: The Chair, Mr. John Benson called the meeting to order at 6:37 p.m.
- PUBLIC COMMENTS: Mr. Larry Brassard appeared before the Board to discuss the damage a recent storm had made to the road in front of his house and along his driveway. Mr. Higgins assured Mr. Brassard that something would be done to correct the problem within the next two weeks.
Mr. Ben Koren and Mr. Pete Mancauskas appeared before the Board to discuss plans for Oktoberfest and the 5K race to be held in Brookfield on October 9, 2021. Mr. Mancauskas reported that he was working with the State for a permit to close portions of Route 65. Mr. Koren stated that each neighbor along the race route will be notified of the time of the race, and when the road on which they live will be closed to traffic. Once the Board was satisfied that all details, including parking, closing of roads, signage, volunteers and State Trooper support, had been handled, Mr. Kimmel made a motion to approve the proposed Public Assemblage Permit from Brookfield Community Partnership to hold a 5K race and Oktoberfest celebration on October 9, 2021. Mrs. Threlkeld seconded and the motion was approved unanimously. 4-0-0.
- Personnel Issue – At 7:22 pm the Board went in to Executive Session to discuss a personnel issue. At 7:24 p.m. Mr. Benson made a motion to come out of Executive Session. Mr. Kimmel seconded the motion which was unanimously approved (4-0-0). The nature of the session was informational, and no decisions were made.
Mr. Higgins stated that extensive ditching and grading was being done. Mrs. Peterson and Mr. Higgins will make a summary of the repair work to be done following the recent storm and will send it to VTrans so the work can be put out to bid. Mr. Higgins reported that the work on Twin Pond Road should be started in a couple of weeks. He is still waiting for the decking for the Witts bridge repair.
The Board discussed getting someone to do an inspection of the bridges that are not large enough to come under VTrans consideration. By getting the costs of repairing these bridges now, the costs can be made a part of 2022-2023 budget. Mr. Benson made a motion to authorize the use of $4,000 for the inspection by October of at least two of the five bridges that need repairs. Mr. Kimmel seconded the motion which was unanimously approved. 4-0-0.
Mr. Benson and Mr. Higgins will work together on a letter to secure bids from suppliers for the purchase of sand for the next five years. The bid letter will go out to potential suppliers this Fall and will ask for pricing for sand to be delivered or sand loaded on the Town’s trucks.
- Adding Zoom option to Selectboard Meetings – Mrs. Peterson has mentioned to the Board that she finds it very difficult to hear when the phone is used to connect her to the Board meetings. Mr. Kimmel will contact Mrs. Peterson regarding pricing for a teleconferencing phone unit.
- Public Assemblage Permit Godfrey/Robinson – Mrs. Flint made a motion to approve the Public Assemblage Permit for September 25, 2021 for the Godfrey/Robinson wedding. Mrs. Threlkeld seconded the motion which was carried unanimously. 4-0-0.
- Ben Koren – Oktoberfest – See above.
- Audit Letter – Mrs. Flint has been reviewing the audit letter presented by Fothergill, Segale, and Valley. It was the decision of the Board to table the audit letter review to give Mrs. Flint an opportunity to see how certain issues are addressed by other towns in central Vermont of a similar size.
Mr. Kimmel made a motion to approved the minutes of August 9, 2021 as presented. Mrs. Flint seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 4-0-0.
Mrs. Flint moved to accept the accounts payable report for a total of $57,093.52 with the largest expense being payable to WB Rogers for sand in the amount of $26,950.00. Mr. Kimmel seconded and the motion was unanimously approved. 4-0-0.
There being no further business to come before the Board, Mrs. Flint made a motion to adjourn at 8:39 p.m. Mr. Kimmel seconded the motion, and the meeting was adjourned. 4-0-0.
Respectfully submitted,
Betty Lord, Secretary