DRAFT Minutes of the Brookfield Selectboard Meeting
December 13, 2021
6:30 p.m.
Held at the Town Clerk’s Office
Those Present: John Benson, Chair; Jeff Kimmel, Dennis LaRocque, Kate Threlkeld, and Betty Lord, Members; Vicki Blanchard, Administrative Assistant; Amy Ingrassia, Assistant Town Clerk; Jack Zebora; Gwynn Zakov, Planning Commission Chair.
A. CALL TO ORDER – Mr. Benson called the Selectboard meeting to order at 6:31 p.m.
1. Electrical repairs/upgrade (Etc.) at Town Garage – Mr. LaRocque reported that the Road Crew are waiting on Green Mountain Power for a report on electrical repairs and upgrades. The Crew has continued work on road sanding and brushing. They got a quote for one of the older trucks for tires at $450.00 each. Kevin Joyal joined the Crew on Monday. Rob Wheatley had an accident in the yard but is recovering fairly well. A question was raised on how much sand Brookfield residents can retrieve from the Town Garage; the Town’s policy regarding use of the Town’s sand supply for private driveways is: residents are allowed to collect up to 15 gallons of sand (the equivalent of 3 x 5-gallon buckets) per trip to the Highway Department garage.
2. Bridges budget (Etc.) discussion – Mr. Benson suggested sending an invitation to bid on all bridges that need rebuilding. Depending on the bids received, the Town may do one or two bridges or a combination. There are also funds left over from last year if needed. VTrans sent an amended contract for annual Town Route 65 maintenance fees and costs; Mr. Benson will sign and send it back so that a contract will be in place. Mr. Kimmel made a motion to approve returning the signed amended contract, Mr. Benson seconded and the motion was carried unanimously: 5-0-0. Mr. Benson also received an Amendment #1 on Local Hazard Mitigation Plan Services through the Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission; this will be tabled until Mr. Kimmel can confirm with TRORC.
1. ARPA Funds final guidance – Ms. Threlkeld said the basic document has not changed since it first was printed. Mr. Benson said it is hard to find what funds Brookfield might qualify for and it might be worth having a public discussion on it. Two Town water wells in Brookfield might fit the criteria and there are some erosion control/water quality projects that could also comply. TRORC plans to do a forum regarding ARPA qualifications. Mr. Benson recommended that Board members review the report and write down ideas that they can contact VLCT to discuss.
2. Mask Mandate decision – Mr. Benson reported that the Governor asked each town to decide whether their town should or should not put a mandatory mask into effect. If people who are vaccinated feel more comfortable wearing a mask inside they should. Ms. Threlkeld made a motion to approve encouraging unvaccinated people to wear a mask when they come into public places. Mr. Kimmel seconded the motion and the motion was carried unanimously: 5-0-0.
3. Planning Commission – Gwynn Zakov (Planning Commission Chair) stopped by to report that Keven Ring is interested in one of the open seats. Mr. Benson made a motion to approve the nomination of Mr. Ring, Ms. Lord seconded the motion, and the motion was carried unanimously: 5-0-0.
1. Brookfield Cemeteries – Sexton Duties – This item was tabled until next meeting.
2. Town Report dedication – Ms. Lord recommended that it be dedicated to Ms. Brenda Flint, citing Ms. Flint’s lengthy history of contributions to the Town’s well-being. She also recommended that the West Brookfield Town Hall be on the cover of the upcoming Town Report and in color. Ms. Lord will work with Ms. Godfrey to have this done.
3. Budget – Mr. Benson passed out a draft budget for 2022 for the board to go over and discuss at the next meeting.
1. 22 November 2021 – Mr. LaRocque made a motion to accept the minutes, Mr. Benson approved and Ms. Threlkeld seconded: 5-0-0.
2. 29 November 2021 – Mr. LaRocque made a motion to accept the minutes, Mr. Benson approved and Ms. Threlkeld seconded: 5-0-0.
H. PAYROLL and AP WARRANTS – Ms. Lord made a motion to approve the AP warrants as presented with a total $31,583.98 with the highest payment being made to WB Rogers in the amount of $5,840.00. Mr. Benson made a motion to accept the AP Warrants and Mr. Kimmel seconded the motion which carried unanimously: 5-0-0.
1. Personnel discussion – Mr. Benson made a motion to go into Executive Session at 8:00 p.m. to discuss a personnel matter. Mr. Kimmel seconded the motion which passed unanimously: 5-0-0. After the discussion, Mr. Benson made a motion to come out of Executive Session at 9:00 p.m., Mr. Kimmel seconded the motion which was unanimously approved: 5-0-0.
J. ADJOURNMENT – Mr. Kimmel make a motion to adjourn at 9:04 p.m. Mr. LaRocque seconded the motion and there being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was unanimously adjourned.