Town of Brookfield Selectboard Meeting
May 23, 2022
6:30 PM
Town Office
DRAFT Minutes
Present: John Benson, Chair, Betty Lord, Dennis LaRocque, Stuart Edson, C. Curtis Koren, members; Vicki Blanchard, Administrative Assistant; Amy Ingrassia, Assistant Treasurer; Teresa Godfrey, Town Clerk; Jack Zebora, Steve Hill, Chris White.
A. Call To Order – Mr. Benson called the Selectboard meeting to order at 6:35 pm.
B. Adjustments to Agenda – Mr. Benson asked to move from Old Business the TH45 (Old Stage Road) subject and Highway Ordinance.
1. Mr. Benson would like Mr. Kimmel to assist with the TH45 (Old State Road) issue. Ms. Lord made a motion to have Mr. Kimmel assist the Selectboard with the TH 45 (Old State Road) and the Highway Ordinance issue. Ms. Koren seconded the motion which was carried unanimously.
2. Mr. Hill reported that Mr. Kimmel and he had walked the TH45 road and it is now in the hands of the Town’s legal advisor. In 2016 the town reclassified the road from Class 3 to Class 4 so now there are two parcels that are land locked. Mr. Hill says there is roughly 100 feet that is in question.
C. Public Comments
1. Chris White came before the Board to ask if he can sell cannibus on Eagle Peak Road in Brookfield. He came in to ask the town to opt into the state program that allows towns to due this. He wants to apply for a retail license to sell cannibus but can’t until the town opts in. He also wants to be the one to instruct people on how to use cannibus. Mr. Benson told him that he will talk with the League of Cities and Towns before making any decisions. Mr. Benson wants to know what the Towns legal rights are.
D. Payroll and AP Warrants – Mr. Benson make a motion to add to the AP warrants a partial payment for the new dump truck in the amount of $68,000. The truck will probably not be here until after July 1, 2022 and if that is the case it would be to late because the loan for the truck is due before July 1, 2022. Ms. Lord seconded the motion which was carried unanimously 5-0-0. Ms. Lord made a motion to approve the AP warrants as presented with a total of $96,350.84 and with the highest payment being $68,000 to ATG. Mr. Edson seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. 5-0-0
E. Highway Report – Mr. LaRocque reported that Mr. Higgins said they almost have the gate to the Town Garage finished which will help them to monitor the amount of sand that goes out. The gate will be open during the day and locked at night. The public will still be able to get 3 – 5 gallon buckets for your home driveway in the winter. Mr. Higgins met with Rita Sevo from TRORC regarding work to be done on Eagle Peak. More grading was done this week and again next week until they are finished. There was some work done on the well line done at the Town Clerk’s office.
F. New Business
1. Selectboard Organization – Ms. Lord made a motion to elect Mr. Benson as the Chair for the Selectboard again. Ms. Koren seconded the motion which carried unanimously. 4-0-0.
Mr. Benson gave a brief review of the Selectboard duties. Ms. Koren and Mr. Edson will meet with Ms. Threlkeld and Mr. Kimmel to learn more about the work they did and how they can fulfill those duties.
2. Town Meeting Discussion – Mr. Benson discussed a few topics from the Warning in the Town Report and also how ARPA money would be spent.
G. Old Business
1. TH 45 (Old State Road) – moved to Adjustment to Agenda.
2. Highway Ordinance – same as above
3. Sign LEMP contract – Mr. Benson made a motion to accept the LEMP (Local Emergency Management Plan) for another year. Ms. Lord seconded the motion, which was carried unanimously. 5-0-0
4. Haggett – renewal/extension of expired extraction permit – The Act 250 application for Mr. Haggett’s gravel pit was submitted for renewal and it will posted on the bulletin board outside the Town Office building.
H. Meeting Minutes
1. 9 May 2022
2. 16 May 2022 (Special Meeting) – Ms. Lord made a motion to accept the May 9th and the May 16, 2022 minutes as presented; Mr. LaRocque seconded the motion, which carried unanimously 3-0-2
I Other Proper Business
1. Steve Nonemacher wants to be notified about any bidding or installation regarding the Heat Pump if approved at the Town Meeting. Ms. Blanchard will contact him to get more information for the Board.
2. Mr. Edson reported that he submitted his resignation as a Lister because he was elected as a Selectboard member. Mr. LaRocque made a motion to accept Mr. Edson’s resignation as Lister for the Town of Brookfield and then the Selectboard appoint Mr. Edson as a contractor to work with the Listers through the completion of the town wide reappraisal process and that during that period Mr. Edson will recuse himself from the Selectboard decision that bear upon any Lister decision or activity. Mr. Benson seconded the motion, which carried unanimously
3. Mr. LaRocque and Mr. Mangan from Kirkyard Services agreed that there is not enough room out back of the cemetery and that the hedge row should be removed. Mr. LaRocque will talk with Mr. Mangan and see if he has time to work on that or if the road crew will have to do it. This might not be able to be done until next year.
Mr. LaRocque made a motion to go into Executive Session at 9:35 pm to discuss personnel issues. Mr. Benson seconded the motion, which carried unanimously 5-0-0 After this discussion, Mr. Benson made a motion to come out of Executive Session at 9:50 pm, Mr. LaRocque seconded the motion which was carried unanimously 5-0-0
J. Adjournment – Ms Lord made a motion to adjourn at 9:55 pm., Ms. Koren seconded the motion and there being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was unanimously adjourned.