
Selectboard Meeting Minutes 22 February 2021

Minutes of the Meeting of TOWN OF BROOKFIELD SELECTBOARD by Zoom and Telephone Conferencing February 22, 2021 THOSE PRESENT: John Benson, Chair; Jeff Kimmel, and Dennis LaRocque, Selectmen; Tim Higgins, Road Crew Foreman; Kasey Peterson, Administrative Assistant; Betty Lord, Secretary; and Christina Harlow and Richard Doolan. A. CALL TO ORDER: Chair John Benson called the…


Selectboard Meeting Minutes 8 February 2021

Minutes of the Meeting of TOWN OF BROOKFIELD SELECTBOARD by Zoom and Telephone Conferencing February 8, 2021 THOSE PRESENT: John Benson, Chair; Jeff Kimmel and Dennis LaRocque, Selectmen; Tim Higgins, Road Foreman; Kasey Peterson, Assistant Town Clerk; Betty Lord, Secretary; and Da-vid Pattison, Elizabeth Templeton, Chelsea and Keith Sprague, Alexis McLean, Kevin and Marie Dunwoody,…

Brookfield Town Meeting Change of Date and Location

The Brookfield Selectboard has voted to shift the annual Town Meeting to Saturday, May 22, 2021, at 10 a.m., to be held at the Brookfield Elementary School (1725 Ridge Road) recreation field. The change is in response to COVID pandemic concerns, and is in accordance with recent Vermont legislative and gubernatorial requirements. There is no…


Selectboard Meeting Minutes 25 January 2021

Minutes of the Meeting of TOWN OF BROOKFIELD SELECTBOARD January 25, 2021 Meeting conducted by Zoom THOSE PRESENT: John Benson, Chair; Jeff Kimmel, and Dennis LaRocque, Board members; Tim Higgins, Road Crew Foreman; Kasey Peterson, Assistant Town Clerk; and Betty Lord, Sec-retary A. Call to Order: The Chair, John Benson called the meeting to order…

Board of Adjustment Meeting Brock/Benedict

Brookfield Board of Adjustment Notice of Public Hearing   The Brookfield Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing on February 13, 2021 at 7 p.m. by ZOOM meeting ID: 876 4143 3958 Password: 177656 or by phone 929-205-6099 using the same ID and Password, to review the following request submitted under the Brookfield Development…

Board Adjustment Meeting Krisch/Brouillard

Brookfield Board of Adjustment Notice of Public Hearing   The Brookfield Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing on Saturday, February 20, 2021 at 7 p.m. by ZOOM meeting ID: 876 4143 3958 Password: 177656 or by phone 929-205-6099 using the same ID and Password, to review the following request submitted under the Brookfield…

Board of Adjustment Meeting – Schmechel/Barden

Brookfield Board of Adjustment Notice of Public Hearing   The Brookfield Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, February 17th 2021 at 7 p.m. by ZOOM meeting ID: 876 4143 3958 Password: 177656 or by phone 929-205-6099 using the same ID and Password, to review the following request submitted under the Brookfield…