Mountain Alliance Meeting Minutes 14 June 2017

Mountain Alliance Advisory Committee Meeting of June 14, 2017 Randolph Town Hall Conference Room A Attending:  Mel Adams Randolph Town Manager, Tim Caulfield Braintree representative, Jeffrey Kimmel Brookfield representative, Kim Crosby Casella Environmental Compliance Manager.  Northfield not in attendance. Alliance manager, Mel Adams (Randolph Town Manager), called the meeting to order at 6:10 pm.  A…

Special Town Meeting on April 17, 2017

Special Town Meeting                                                                                                               April 17, 2017 Attendees: Charles Keeler (Moderator), John Benson (Selectboard Chair), Jeff Kimmel (Selectboard member), Teresa Godfrey (Town Clerk, Recorder), Dale Benson, Clare Kimmel, Perry Kacik, Joy Kacik, Brenda Flint, Amy Ingrassia, George Zebora (observer) C. Keeler called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. C. Keeler read the warning and…

Warning and Notice of Special Town Meeting

Brookfield Selectboard Warning and Notice of Special Town Meeting The legal voters of Brookfield are hereby warned: the Town of Brookfield Selectboard will hold a joint special Selectboard Meeting and special Town Meeting on Monday, April 17, 2017, at 6:30 p.m. at the Town Clerk’s Office, 40 Ralph Road, to allow public comment and a…

Dog Registrations 2017

Registration Fees: On or before April 1st  spayed/neutered dog  $ 9.00     unaltered dog  $13.00 After April 1st               spayed/neutered dog     11.00      unaltered dog    17.00 2017 Rabies Clinic You will be able to register your dog(s) at the clinic. The rabies clinic will be held at the Brookfield Elementary School on March 25th from 9-11 with Dr. William Barry.