Town of Brookfield
Selectboard Meeting
November 14, 2016 at 7:00 PM
Town Clerk’s Office
Present: John Benson , Cory Haggett, Jeff Kimmel, Teresa Godfrey (Town Clerk/Treasurer) , Ray Peck (Road Foreman) , Dan Childs, Dennis LaRocque, Kasey Peterson (Administrative Assistant)
- Call to Order: 6:59 p.m.
- Adjustments to Agenda: None
- Public Presentation or Comment
- Dan Childs was present with a resolution to Appoint Representatives to the Governing Board of the East Central Vermont Telecommunications District. Mr. Kimmel made a motion to appoint Dan Childs and Stuart Edson as representative and first alternate to the ECVTD. Mr. Benson seconded. 3-0-0
- LaRocque was present to mention the lack of side lines on the Ridge Road. The center line was painted last week. Ray Peck will be looking into the matter.
- Old Business
- Haggett made a motion to approve the minutes of the 24 October meeting as presented. Mr. Kimmel seconded. 3-0-0
- Town Treasurer
- In response to questions the auditors had, Mrs. Godfrey is reviewing the bank statements from the 2015-2016 fiscal year in an effort to clarify the discrepancies between the Town’s financial software (NEMRC) and the bank.
- The current balance due on taxes is $93,000 which is an excellent figure for this time of year. The first installment on the property taxes was due Nov. 5, 2016.
- Godfrey also presented a statement for the Northfield Savings Bank CD to inform the Selectboard that the CD will automatically renew. No changes to that account were made or suggested.
- New Business
- Highway Report
- Several weeks ago Lawrence Ranslow’s mailbox was hit by the grader. The Highway Department generally replaces mailboxes that are damaged by Town equipment. Mr. Ranslow’s request got ‘lost in the shuffle’ of winter prep and he replaced the mailbox himself. He will be reimbursed by the Town if he can provide receipts.
- Peck requested a quote for a roadside mower from John Deere. His feeling is that it will pay for itself in the long run, as mowing can be done as needed instead of waiting for the contractor to schedule. The $128,550.00 quote includes a tractor, mower, and two mower heads. No action taken.
- At the garage the office extension is a work in progress. The walls are up, the roof is on, and electrical work will begin on Friday. Heating options were discussed.
- Old Post Road is currently closed because of the condition of the bridge. Work will begin on replacing the decking on 15 November.
- A few weeks ago, Mr. Peck and Mr. Kimmel met with a number of VTrans representatives and the contractor that did the Summer/Fall repair work on VT Route 65 to discuss the state of that road and identify steps that can be taken to repair the road. It was agreed that the problem is the material that was added to that road. For whatever reason it does not properly wear, bind, or absorb water. It was decided that the contract would not be closed until a short-term fix was implemented to make the road stable enough for winter maintenance, followed by a review of Rte. 65 conditions next spring to see if a more permanent solution can be implemented. Mr. Peck’s concerns are that the Town not be liable for potential damage to the road during routine winter maintenance, and what steps may or may not be taken by VTrans in the spring. Mr. Benson asked Mrs. Peterson to e-mail Chris Bump at VTrans and outline the Town’s concerns.
- Peterson will use the State of Vermont Personnel Policy regarding domestic partnership to amend the Town of Brookfield policy. She will clarify the benefit package and define domestic partnership.
- Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Clean Water Advisory Committee Appt. – tabled.
- The Vermont Creamery provided an Indirect Discharge Permit as required by law. This was for information only and no action needed.
- Benson made a motion to change the start time for regular Selectboard meetings from 7:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. for meetings held November through March. Mr. Kimmel seconded 3-0-0
- Payroll/AP Warrant
AP and Payroll Warrants – Mr. Kimmel made a motion to accept the warrants totaling $91,016.50; including payments to Northfield Savings Bank for the 2015 truck in the amount of $53,689.70, Caterpillar Financial for the Loader for $13,677.98, and White River Valley Ambulance for $6,457.85. Mr. Haggett seconded. 3-0-0
- Other Business
Office security – Recent events at the Town Office require a change in the way the office is secured. Various basic options were discussed including bars on the windows or Lexan coverings on the outside. It was decided that security cameras similar to the system currently used at the Town Garage would be a good first step. Mrs. Peterson and Mrs. Godfrey will research this matter and suggest options at a future Selectboard meeting.
- Adjournment: Kimmel made a motion to adjourn at 8:30 p.m., Mr. Haggett seconded. 3-0-0