Present: Jon Binhammer, Sue Shea, Jon Jickling Absent: Star Strong, Kathy Kinter
Zoom Meeting to order at 7:04 PM
There was no one from the public in attendance.
Motion to approve May minutes presented was made by Jon J, seconded by Sue. No comments, all approved.
Emerald Ash Borer update was not possible as Kate Forrer, Town Forester could not make this meeting.
Continued discussion on Forest fragmentation. Discussion of the Planning Commission’s decision to not support the Conservation Commission’s (CC) letter of concern to the Selectboard over the proposal to extend a class 4 road which goes into the woods off Twin Ponds road. It was disappointing to see little consideration of the adopted town plan in this process.
Sue emphasized that the forest fragmentation issue needs to be a long term project. The CC needs to better understand the important ecological resources (e.g., put up game cameras to identify where wildlife is crossing interstate). Option to check with Jens, VT Fish and Wildlife, to see what information exists about these sites. Look at other information using Biofinder about unique areas in the north of the town.
Jon B indicated that Kathy and Starr were appointed to new 4-year terms by the Selectboard.
Jon B provided a overview of the CC field trip to the Fen led by Jon B was a success but logistically a bit. 15 participants total; 60-70% were from Brookfield, rest from Randolph and Braintree. Good story presented in the Herald.
Discussion of other ideas for CC field trips. Brookfield Town forest option: challenging due to no open trails. Decision was made to organize a nature walk at Allis state park on Sunday Sept. 27th from 3-5pm. Continued theme “Get to know Brookfield resources”. 25 limit… Jon J to organize. Put on FPF 10 days in advance (Sept 17th) .
Next meeting will be 21st of September. We will meet at school to see the natural area behind the School and later stop by the Sunset Brook natural area boardwalk.
No new business.
Adjorned meeting at 7:41 by Zoom time limit shutdown
Respectfully submitted,
Jon Jickling