1. Present and Voting: A.Borgman, C.Wright, K.Anderson, D.Childs, M.Foran. Present and Non-Voting: L. Rochat.
2. Minutes of the 2/24/15 Meeting approved.
3. Treasurer’s Report. Gerard’s Bequest received and deposited in our Vanguard Fund. Expenses in line with budget allotments. Church and presenters fees paid up to date.
4. Summer Programming: Story Hour on Saturday morning. Music oriented program with a children friendly presentation. Program from PBS (video and presenter provided) in conjunction with Town Hall. Summer lunch program seemingly not feasible for our library. Barbara’s program set for 5/2. Preliminary discussion on Spelling Bee – with potential dating.
5. Floating Bridge Opening: We (C. Wright) will have a venue on 5/23 (Saturday) for book sales. Probably one day is appropriate amount of time and exposure. Tent for the sale provided by D. Childs.
6. Next meeting: 4/22/15 at 8AM.