Present: Jon Binhammer, Kathy Kinter, Sue Shea, Starr Strong, Jon Jickling
Meeting outside at Town Office came to order at 7:00 PM
May minutes were unanimously approved as presented. Kathy informed the group that she is now posting the minutes on the town site and they will no longer be labeled “draft” or “final”. If they need to be amended, they will be posted as such on the site. There is now a drop down tab for agendas and minutes for the committees and commissions.
There was no one from the public in attendance.
Jon J will invite Kate F. to the next meeting for an EAB update.
Annual Meeting –Jon B informed us that we had missed the annual meeting in May since it was on Zoom. Starr and Kathy agreed to 4 yr.- terms and Jon will make the recommendation to the Selectboard to appoint them as such. Officers were elected and no changes were made.
Chair-Jon Binhammer
Vice Chair-Sue Shea
Treasurer-Jon Jickling
Secretary-Kathy Kinter
Green Up Day: Starr spoke to Bonnie Fallon and presented what she had learned regarding prior history. We voted unanimously to adopt it as a Commission project for next year. Discussion followed about involving the school and families, as well as how to handle returnables. We will begin planning at our Feb. or March meeting.
Our meetings in the time of Covid: We agreed to continue to meet outside the town office as long as weather was cooperative. Jon B will speak with Ted about using the Old Town Hall in event of darkness, rain or cold. Should we need to meet there, we can put a sign on the town office door directing folks across the street.
Lamson Pond Fen Conservation Project: Closing on the property occurred. Discussed hosting a field trip to the fen for a small group of 10-12, with prior registration and face masks required. Sue will do publicity. Jon B will send her the information. Trip to be Aug. 9, 3 PM.
Planning Commission collaboration RE: Act 171/Forest Fragmentation: Jon J shared that the commission has not been meeting and has no plans to at present. He did share information with them regarding Biofinder but does not know if anyone accessed it.
We discussed the need to familiarize ourselves (and perhaps invite members of the Planning Commission) with parcels that have been identified on Biofinder as being of high ecological importance. Sue looked at the maps Jon B sent her but was unable to print them. She did ascertain that these areas warranted investigation: 1). north of rte. 65, on the west side of 89 and a bit where rte. 65 meets rte. 12; 2). north of rte. 12 to the Roxbury line (calcareous wetland) 3). around Sunset Lake and the wetland north of it. Starr suggested we look at wildlife crossings near the interstate as well as the marsh between Cross Over Rd, 89 and West St. We will do a field trip on Tu. July 7 at 3:00 PM and meet at Baker Pond. Kathy suggested we have maps from Biofinder and that if Jens would send his power point, we could perhaps print those maps. Jon B and Sue will reach out to Jens again.
Jon B mentioned that there is a current proposal to extend a class 4 road which goes into the woods near the rte. 14 side of Twin Pond Rd. The proposal is for a 700 ft. road with possible development, both of which would contribute to fragmentation.
Brookfield School Habitat Enhancement- Jon B spoke with the principal and head maintenance person about our doing a plan to do Native plantings with the kids that would augment the Four Winds program, as well as the surrounding habitat of the school. It would be shared with the superintendent. Staff were supportive of the idea. We will plan an outing to the school in September. Kathy will talk with Kathleen Sauer about how best to coordinate with Four Winds.
Sunset Brook Natural Area: Jon B and Jon J surveyed the bridge and board walk. Nancy MccCall has phone poles that could be used to repair the bridge, as it is listing to one side. Jon J would donate wood for the boardwalk repair. Jon B reached out to the Scout leader whose boys helped with repairs after Irene; 10-15 people would be needed. We voted unanimously to make this a Commission project. Jon B. will ask if the road crew might help with transporting the poles. We could visit the area in Sept. when we visit the school grounds.
Next meeting: THERE WILL NOT BE A JULY MEETING. Next meeting is Monday, August 17 7:00 PM Town Office, if weather conducive
Meeting Adjourned at 8:35 PM
Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Kinter