Present and Voting: Amy, Cat, Kym
Absent: Laura, Dan, Emily
1. Per Dan, in absentia, minimal change in our current financials.
2. Librarian’s Report, per Laura, in absentia:
-Patron and library use numbers continue to be good
-State library resources continue to diminish with hours cut and new acquisitions on hold
3. Current Issues:
-Dan has been in touch with Mike about what books he would like to have donated to the library in his name; we await further details.
-We have approved the Library Use Guidelines
-We have approved new carpet for the Library
4. Upcoming issues:
-Sunday evening knitting will resume the 1 & 3 Sunday of the month, beginning October 18, at the Library.
-The Spelling Bee is indefinitely on hold for now.
-West Brookfield is hoping to hold a Poetry event, our contact person is Tina O’Donnell. Kym will be in touch with her about this.
-We ask that Laura be in touch with a potential speaker about Stone Walls in New England.
5. Please note that the next Library Board meeting will be held October 29 @ 6:30 PM, not October 22.