The Town of Brookfield
Selectboard Meeting
10 April 2017 at 6:30 PM
Town Clerk’s Office
Draft Minutes
Present: John Benson, Jeff Kimmel, Cory Haggett, Teresa Godfrey – Town Clerk/Treasurer, Joe Mangan – Cemetery Sexton, Richard Fink – co-proprietor of Ariel’s Restaurant, James Godfrey, Chris LaMonda, Dan Childs, Kasey Peterson
- Call to Order – 6:31 p.m.
- Adjustments to the Agenda –
- Liquor License(s) for Ariel’s Restaurant added to Other Business
- Add Joe Magnan to New Business
- Public Comment – none
- New Business
- LaMonda, the EMS Representative from Barre Town, was present to discuss the contract with Barre Town Ambulance to divide the ambulance coverage between Barre Town and White River Valley Ambulance. He presented a proposal to be considered by the Selectboard. Route 65 would be the dividing line. Any through-road to the north would be covered by Barre, and through-roads south would be covered by WRVA. WRVA is hesitant about the change, but the Selectboard sees the change as an issue of public safety. Payment will be based on the population of each of the two regions of Brookfield. Brookfield’s E-911 coordinator, Chuck Barnum, would need to work with Barre Town and WRVA to ensure that both services are aware of their responsibilities and that every home has been assigned to a service. Mr. LaMonda also explained that if a patient is stable, they will be asked which hospital they prefer. More critical patients will be taken to Central Vermont Hospital. Currently, I-89 is covered by Williamstown to the north and WRVA to the south, with the emergency access gate as the dividing line; there is no reason to make a change to that process. Barre Town is also willing to support the Brookfield Fire Department in the case of structure fires the same way WRVA does now. An ambulance is dispatched, when available, to a structure fire in case of accident or injury to citizens and firefighters. The Selectboard hopes to have the changes worked out and in place by July 1.
- Benson made a motion to appoint Dan Childs as the Town of Brookfield’s Representative to ECFiber and Stuart Edson as Alternate Representative. Mr. Kimmel seconded. 3-0-0. Mr. Childs reported that ECFiber service is still on track for 2019 but the more people who sign up for the service the more likely EC Fiber is to provide service to Brookfield.
- Mangan from Kirkyard Services was present to discuss the cemetery files with the Board. He is aware that Michael Herold is working on the card file. Joe would like to add the cards to the NEMRC cemetery module. The Town already has this software installed, but the charge for that would be by the hour and is not currently part of the sexton contract with Kirkyard Services. This issue was tabled until the card file is complete. Mr. Mangan feels that is would be a good time to have the cemeteries surveyed and has contact a surveyor for a quote. There are additional repairs to markers that need to be done. Mr. Benson asked Mr. Mangan to provide a prioritized list of repairs.
- Highway
- General Highway Report
- Truck three is running again after a fan belt issue.
- The one-ton utility truck has an intermittent problem and is not showing codes. Possibly an exhaust issue.
- The 14” blade that was incorrectly delivered with the new grader may not need to be replaced with a 12” blade. Initial grading operations have been very successful.
- This summer when the new decking is done on Witts Bridge the turnaround will be widened so that the Garners can park and the snow can be pushed off to the side instead of across the road.
- Peck is buying $500 of steel to make side plates for the grader that were not standard. This will be much cheaper than purchasing the plates from Caterpillar.
- The floor in the office is done. Mrs. Peterson will purchase office furniture from the government surplus in Waterbury.
- Contract Plowing – There was discussion between Mr. Benson, Mr. Peck, and Mr. Godfrey concerning a timetable for contract plowing. Godfrey explained that he does maintenance on Fire Department Lane first, then the Town Clerk’s Office, the Emergency Access Road, and then Witts Bridge. Currently, it is up to Mr. Godfrey to determine when to start his maintenance for the Town. Mr. Benson suggested that Mr. Peck call Mr. Godfrey at the same time he contacts the rest of the crew, just to make sure all the plow drivers are coordinated and out at the same time.
- Benson made a motion to grant the permit to Washington Electric as amended. Mr. Haggett seconded. 3-0-0.
- The surveyors from Dubois and King have marked the boundary line between Rose Baier’s property and the Town Garage property and have set stakes out to show her where the new line would be. Mrs. Baier requested an aerial map.
- Northfield Road Grant – The annual financial plan was signed and the application for repaving Northfield Road is complete and ready to be submitted to VTrans.
- Two Rivers
Mr. Benson made a motion to adopt the Local Emergency Operations Plan for 2017. Mr. Kimmel seconded. 3-0-0
- Town Auditor Ginny Brees was present to discuss the opinion from the last external audit and inquire about the audit for the current year. Mr. Benson has already tasked Mrs. Godfrey with finding an outside auditor. Mrs. Brees would like to meet with the Selectboard, Mrs. Peterson, and Mrs. Godfrey to discuss the last audit report and address the issues that came up at that time. Mrs. Brees will check with the other auditors to settle on a time for that appointment.
- Old Business
Mr. Haggett made a motion to accept the Minutes of the 27 March meeting as amended. Mr. Kimmel seconded. 3-0-0
- Payroll/AP Warrant
Mr. Kimmel made a motion to accept the warrants in the amount of $11,411.49; large bills included: WRVA for $6,460.00, Lowell McLeod for $1,869.04, and James Godfrey for $1,075.00
- Other Proper Business –
- Mr. Benson made a motion to grant a public assemblage permit for a Walkathon for the Randolph Food Shelf on 24 June. Mr. Kimmel seconded. 3-0-0
- Mr. Kimmel made a motion to approve and sign a First Class Liquor License, an Outside Consumption Permit, a Catering Permit, and a Seasonal Third Class License for Ariel’s Restaurant. Mr. Benson seconded. 3-0-0
- Kimmel moved to adjourn at 9:12 Mr. Haggett seconded. 3-0-0