Town of Brookfield
Selectboard Meeting
December 23, 2019 at 6:30 P.M.
Town Clerk’s Office
DRAFT Minutes
Present: John Benson, Cory Haggett, Larry Brassard, Steve Brassard,
1 .Call to Order – 6:30 pm
2. Adjustments to Agenda – none
3. Public Comments – Larry Brassard was present to discuss the post that has been driven into the ground in front of his house on the Town Right-of-way. While he acknowledged the risk of a post in the Right-of-way, he presented pictures that show that the post is placed one foot from the edge of the road. The Board was unsure is a letter had been sent asking him to remove the post. The Selectboard will follow-up with the Highway Dept.
4. New Business
A. Highway Report
1. Harmony Electric has submitted a quote for upgrading the lighting in the town garage. There is no money in the current budget. That project has been table until next fiscal year.
2. The Safety Committee submitted suggestions for changes to the way Brookfield posts weight limits for the roads and to the wight limit permitting process. These changes would be decided at Town Meeting and a submission for the Warning is due in February. It was suggested that the Safety committee be invited to the next Selectboard meeting on 13 January 2020.
3. Pike Bill for Ridge Road paving – Pike Industries is putting together a proposal to have the town pay part of the invoice now and the remainder in the spring after the road has been repaired
B. Budget
1. The Lister Budget was added to the overall town budget
2. The increased licensing fee for NEMRC to $7500.00 per year seems appropriate. Mr. Benson moved to make the change to the Budget, Mr. Haggett seconded. 2-0-0.
5. Old Business
A. Personnel Policy Changes – tabled as Mr. Kimmel is not present
B. Approve Minutes of 9 December 2019 meeting – tabled due to unavailability.
6. AP and Payroll Warrants – John Benson made a motion to pay the Warrants in the amount of 47,337.30
7. Other Proper Business
A. Ray Peck is working with Caterpillar for a price on a new loader
B. Several of the organizations Brookfield donates to have not submitted their funding requests
C. Fothergill Segale and Valley submitted a proposal to audit FY-19. The cost is well within the budget for this fiscal year. Mr. Benson made a motion to accept the proposal, Mr. Haggett seconded 2-0-0.
D. Mr. Benson made a motion to approve the addition of the Town of Roxbury to the Mountain Alliance. Mr. Haggett seconded. 2-0-0.
8. Adjournment – Mr. Haggett made a motion to adjourn. Mr Benson seconded 2-0-0.