MINUTES of the Brookfield Selectboard Meeting
14 March 2022
6:30 P.M.
Town Office
Present: John Benson, Chair; Jeff Kimmel, Betty Lord, Kate Threlkeld (via zoom), Dennis LaRocque (via zoom): members; Vicki Blanchard, Administrative Assistant; Amy Ingrassia, Assistant Town Clerk
A. CALL TO ORDER – Mr. Benson called the Selectboard meeting to order at 6:29 p.m.
D. HIGHWAY REPORT – This past week the Road Crew got caught up on some equipment maintenance and repairs. The number 4 truck is back and ready to go again. They also did go out and try to smooth up some of the roads around town, but with the storm we got and warmer weather roads are about the same. They plan to go out and fill in ruts and smooth out what they can. They also posted road conditions warning signs to keep some unnecessary vehicles from making roads worse. Ms. Blanchard will be updating these postings on the state’s website.
1. Road Crew posting – A full-time ad for the Road Crew position has been sent out to two newspapers, and is being posted on Front Porch Forum and Brookfield’s website. Mr. LaRocque is checking in with the VTC Diesel program in Randolph to see if anyone might be interested in also applying.
1. Budget Discussions – Mr. Benson asked the Selectboard to make final approval on the budget so it can be given to Teresa the Town Clerk and then be sent to the printer so the Town Report could be finalized.
2. Hippo Park discussion – Ms. Lord reported that the Hippo Park Committee looked over the repairs that need to be made and the cost was $3,000 to repair the Hippo. They agreed that the fence needs to be replaced and that a handicap-accessible picnic bench would be a better addition to the park. Mr. Benson made a motion to provide the Selectboard’s approval for the Hippo Park Committee to seek a 1:2 fundraising grant from the Better Places project and to give the Selectboard’s approval for the committee to upgrade the Town-owned park with work including, but not limited to, repairing the crack in the Hippo sculpture, replacing the bench presently on the property, repairing the fence, and installing a handicap-accessible picnic table. Ms. Threlkeld seconded the motion, which was carried unanimously: 5-0-0.
G. MEETING MINUTES: 28 February 2022 – Ms Lord made a motion to make a correction under Old Business on the ARPA Funds discussion: Ms. Lord and Ms. Blanchard attended a webinar presented by the Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission (not Vermont League of Cities and Towns). The draft minutes will be corrected and re-posted on the Brookfield web page and then approved at the next Selectboard meeting on 28 March 2022. Mr. Kimmel seconded the motion, which was carried unanimously: 5-0-0.
H. PAYROLL AND AP WARRANTS – Ms. Lord made motion to approve the AP warrants as presented with a total $19,543.42 with the highest payment being made to Fothergill Segale & Valley in the amount of $7,200.00. Mr. Kimmel seconded the motion, which carried unanimously: 5-0-0.
I. OTHER PROPER BUSINESS – Ms. Threlkeld brought up a question regarding the Halfway Brook road sign and Mr. Benson asked Mr. LaRocque to have Mr. Higgins check into whether this situation was resolved.
J. ADJOURNMENT – Ms. Lord made a motion to adjourn at 7:20 p.m., Mr. Kimmel seconded the motion, and there being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was unanimously adjourned.