DRAFT Minutes of the Brookfield Selectboard Meeting
28 March 2022
6:30 p.m.
Town Office
Those Present: John Benson, Chair, Jeff Kimmel, Betty Lord (via zoom), Kate Threlkeld (via zoom), Dennis LaRocque (via zoom): Members; Vicki Blanchard, Administrative Assistant.
A. CALL TO ORDER: Mr. Benson called the meeting to order at 6:40 p.m.
B. ADJUSTMENTS TO AGENDA: Mr. LaRocque asked that a moment of silence for the Blodgett family be moved from Other Proper Business to the beginning of the meeting; a moment of silence was observed for Mr. and Mrs. Blodgett’s son, who passed away on Saturday from an accident.
D. HIGHWAY REPORT – Mr. LaRocque reported that Mr. Higgins indicated the Road Crew were working on as many roads as possible. Weather has caused problems with them getting to all roads but they will do so as soon as possible. Also, the new 6 wheel truck (not tandem) is ready and probably will be here toward the end of April. No one has applied for the open Road Crew position as of 3/28/22. Mr. LaRocque checked with the Public Safety Committee about changing a stop sign to a yield sign on the Halfway Brook Road/Ferris Road intersection, but Mr. Higgins did not feel this was a good idea. The Selectboard’s position is to not change the sign.
G. MEETING MINUTES – Ms. Lord made a motion to accept the minutes, as corrected, from the 28 February, 2022 Board meeting; Mr. Kimmel seconded it and it passed unanimously: 5-0-0.
Mr. Kimmel made a motion to accept the minutes from the 14 March, 2022 Board meeting, Mr. Benson seconded it and it passed unanimously: 5-0-0.
H. PAYROLL and AP WARRANTS – Ms. Lord made a motion to approve the AP Warrants as presented with a total of $17,887.77, with the highest payment being made to White River Valley Ambulance in the amount of $3539.17. Mr. Benson made a motion that pending Mr. LaRocque’s checking with Mr. Higgins to confirm that a delivery of salt happened, then the total would still be $17,887.77. Mr. Kimmel seconded the motion, which was carried unanimously: 5-0-0.
I. OTHER PROPER BUSINESS – Sign Tax Map Maintenance Proposal: Mr. Benson made a motion to approve the Tax Map Maintenance Proposal, Mr. Kimmel seconded the motion, and it was carried unanimously: 5-0-0.
American Rescue Plan Act funding was briefly discussed, including it being set up in the Treasury portal.
J. ADJOURNMENT – Mr. Benson made a motion to adjourn at 7:40 p.m., Mr. LaRocque seconded the motion, and there being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was unanimously adjourned.