Town of Brookfield Selectboard Meeting
August 22, 2022
6:30 PM
Town Office
DRAFT Minutes
Present: John Benson Chair; Betty Lord, Stuart Edson, Keith Sprague, Curtis Koren, members; Vicki Blanchard, Administrative Assistant; Phyllis Humez, Eugene Thornburn, Zyla Nuite.
A. Call To Order – Mr. Benson called the Selectboard meeting to order at 6:30 pm
B. Adjustments to Agenda – Move up from New Business BCA appointment of two new listers.
1. Mr. Edson made a motion to elect the following two listers: Zyla Nuite and Tom Garbatelli. Mr. Benson made an Amendment to appoint them as trainees for the next six months, Ms. Lord seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously 5-0-0
C. Public Comments
1. Eugene Thornburn – Parker Road Bridge. Mr. Thornburn owns a camp on Parker Road which needs to be worked on which requires heavy equipment to be brought in for the job which is heavier than 3 tons. Since the bridge is posted as 3 tons and is in need of repair the Town is going to apply for a FEMA grant to replace the bridge. This is a job that will take 2 years to complete. Mr. Benson made a motion to have Mr. Sprague and Mr. Higgins to come back to the board with a plan to fix the wood portion of the Parker Road Bridge, Mr. Edson seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously 5-0-0.
D. Payroll and AP Warrants – none due to COVID
E. Highway Report – Mr. Sprague reported that the road crew hauled approximately 300 yards of stone from WB Rogers back to the garage for use in mud season. On Tuesday and Wednesday they hauled crushed gravel up onto Halfway Brook Road and it was then graded. On Thursday they did some equipment maintenance in the shop. This Tuesday they will start on the grant work for Eagle Peak Road. On Monday they spent the day cleaning up brush trees on East Hill Road and cleaning out culverts on Woods Road. They plan to work on ditching projects until completed and then move to Old Post Road followed by McKeage Road.
F. New Business – See above
G. Old Business
1. Network Server – Mr. Edson said he received an estimate for work on the operating system which would take roughly 10 to 20 hours and the cost would be $3,300
not including anti spyware. Mr. Benson made a motion to authorize moving forward with updating the operating system, not to exceed $3,500, Mr. Edson seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously 5-0-0
2. Heat Pump – Mr. Benson is going to contact Efficiency Vermont to make sure the unit that was bid on will be covered through them before making a final decision.
H. Meeting Minutes
1. July 25, 2022 – Mr. Sprague made a motion to accept the July 25, 2022 minutes ; Ms. Koren seconded the motion which carried unanimously 4-0-0. Mr. Edson did not vote as he was absent from the meeting. Mr. Benson made a motion to aprrove the minutes as corrected and Mr. Sprague seconded the motion which was carried unanimously 4-0-1
2. August 8, 2022 – Ms. Lord made a motion to accept the August 8, 2022 minutes as presented; Mr. Edson seconded the motion which carried unanimously 5-0-0
I. Other Proper Business
1. Sign Bear Hill Grant – Mr. Benson signed the grant and it will now be
submitted to the State of Vermont.
2. Hippo Park – Ms. Lord reported that the Hippo has been repaired and cleaned.
3. Ms. Lord reported she signed the contract with Keith Johnson from Benedini and that drilling should start this week at the town garage.
4. Art on the Farm August 27, 2022 – Mr. Sprague made a motion to have the Board approve the liquor license, Mr. Edson seconded the motion which carried unanimouly 5-0-0
5. Mr. Edson recommending networking with town people to try and generate interest in different positions such as listers, zoning or town clerk. He thought bringing more of the younger members of town together to learn about how and why things are done would be useful.
6. The Town Garage plans will be posted on the website soon.
7. Mr. Benson asked Mr. Edson to check with the Town Attorney regarding Old Post Road.
8. Mr. Benson suggested that at the next town meeting it would be good to have a discussion on years of service having 3 people on a 3 year term and 2 people on a 2 year term.
J. Adjournment – Mr. Benson made a motion to adjourn at 8:16 pm., Mr. Edson seconded the motion, and there being no further business to come before the Board the meeting was unanimously adjourned.