Town of Brookfield
Selectboard Meeting
January 8, 2018 at 6:30 P.M.
Town Clerk’s Office
Draft Minutes
Present: John Benson (Chair), Jeff Kimmel, Cory Haggett, Ray Peck, Dawn Conant, Lew Stowell (PSAC), Stuart Edson (PSAC), Chuck Barnum
- Call to Order – 6:30 p.m.
- Adjustments to Agenda – New Business – Public Safety Advisory Committee Members to discuss FY2019 Budget Recommendations.
- Public Comment – Chuck Barnum regarding new 911/EMS Services.
- Benson asked Mr. Barnum where we are on this process. Mr. Barnum needs copies of all documentation.
- Barnum brought to the Board’s attention that as of Friday the green light to go ahead was given for the new 911 EMS Service division of Brookfield between Barre Town Ambulance and WRVA, and it will be live. He inquired whether the Town received confirmation of this activity.
- Peck talked with someone from Barre Town and Mr. Benson sent a note to the person in charge to have them plan to come to a Selectboard meeting and report on service status.
- Barnum commented he would have liked to have been included more often in this process with WRVA etc.
- Stowell asked if Barre Town responds; do you end up going to Central Vermont Hospital? The understanding is that if a transportee says where they want to go (CVMC or Gifford), then the service will take you there, but if you are incapacitated or do not say, you will be taken to CVMC.
- Benson mentioned the Board needs to get a notice out updating Brookfield residents about the changes in ambulance service (posting in paper/website etc.)
- Barnum will put a report together for the meeting in 2 weeks.
- Barnum also inquired about submitting a petition regarding the Masonic Hall and Municipal tax abatement in the amount of $185 for 5 years. The petition would need 50 signatures. Mr. Kimmel to check to see if the Town can do it for 5 years instead of the normal 3 years.
- New Business:
- Highway Department:
Mr. Benson asked Mr. Peck about how the Town is doing on sand and equipment. We are running through the supply and are about the same as in years past.
Budget for Highway Department:
- Grants with Two Rivers.
- What is in Bridge Budget and what bridges still need to be done?
- What is the cost for the proposed new tandem truck: $199,015 covers everything; a 6-wheeler would be $185,145; and the Town would get about $15,000 (trade-in) for the green truck.
- New backhoe/loader for future: rough estimate would be $110,000 with trade. Mr. Peck noted that as time passes, equipment costs rise and existing equipment adds more usage hours; so there is a balancing that needs to be considered.
- Building and maintenance repair: potential cost for shed to be rebuilt is perhaps $25,000±.; Mr. Peck will do some figuring for the next meeting. The Town is still waiting for an adjoining landowner to sign off on paperwork regarding the proposed transfer of a portion of land.
- Keep eyes open for a grant to help with possibly building of a new Town Garage in the future.
- Vault Repair/Door Repair (Library)
Vault: Ms. Godfrey (Town Clerk/Treasurer) reported that other towns use electronic access; vendors include Paul Vercillian at Branch Services or Roger with Moesler in VT. Need e-mail/billing address to contact; Administrative Assistant Mrs. Peterson will contact both with an estimate of what we need.
Door: contact contractor Jeff Brassard for an estimate for the new door. The Board recommended that we go ahead and have him order it. Mr. Brassard is also working on an estimate/price for vinyl siding for the Town Offices.
- PSAC Budget Recommendations
- Stowell suggest that we deal with the first priority signs first.
- Most new signs need to be up to MUTCD Standards.
- List represents all roads with speed ordinances with the exception of Ridge Road as that is going to be done next year by the State. East Hill is lacking though.
- Peck mentioned it is about $30± a post. Mr. Benson roughly estimated $60/70 per sign. Mr. Haggett asked about a sign shop that makes them or just the State.
- Draft Budget: $4,000 to cover signs that are critical.
- Peck mentioned that $2,500 per year is spent on upgrading/fixing and replacing stolen ones.
Next Mr. Stowell provided a brief overview of the items listed on the Public Safety Advisory Committee Budget Recommendations handout as follows:
- Removal of speed zone times signs at Brookfield Elementary School.
- Resolve Town right-of-way impingement involving vehicles at Cushing residence; requires both Selectboard and Orange County Sheriff’s Department coordination. In addition, Stone Road speed limit signs should be updated to comply with the new Town ordinance.
- Road Crew should continue to inventory speed limit and road name signs, and can work with the Board to prioritize replacement schedules.
- PSAC has submitted a study of road/speed signs and has suggested priorities for updating and replacement, depending on budget etc.
- Keep the annual budgeted amount for OCSD at $12,000.
- The Board should review the use and placement of School Bus Stop signs, and their potential priority in the general road sign strategy.
- Potential use of mobile and stationary speed (radar) monitoring devices.
- Old Business: approval of the minutes from the December 28, 2017 Selectboard meeting. Haggett made a motion to approve, Mr. Kimmel seconded: 3-0-0.
- Warrants: There were no warrants left for the Board to approve and pay at this time.
- Other Proper Business: no other business discussed.
- Mr. Kimmel made a motion to adjourn at 8:33 p.m., Mr. Haggett seconded: 3-0-0.