Town of Brookfield
Selectboard Meeting
April 9, 2018 at 6:30 P.M.
Town Clerk’s Office
Draft Minutes
Present: John Benson (Chair), Jeff Kimmel, Cory Haggett, Ray Peck (Road Crew Foreman), Dawn Conant, Jon Binhammer, Susan Shea
- Call to Order – 6:30 p.m.
- Adjustments to Agenda – Mr. Binhammer and Ms. Shea to present first.
- Public Comment – No public attended meeting.
- New Business:
- Binhammer and Ms. Shea: Conservation Commission
- Several people have expressed interest in participating in the creation of a Conservation Commission in Brookfield. There are at least 5 committed with a possibility of 7 members.
- Benson asked if they would be coordinating with the Town Planning Commission: Mr. Binhammer reported that the PC had voted to support formation of a Conservation Commission.
- The Board and potential Conservation Commission members will need to review the Town Plan and Town budget to see what resources are available and possible activities the Commission can undertake. Presumably the CC would serve in an advisory capacity to the Selectboard.
- Kimmel has reviewed Vermont League of Cities and Towns materials, and will contact the state Secretary of State’s office on the procedures for establishing the new Commission. One of the issues is whether the Board can approve the creation of a CC or does it need to be done through the Warning and Town Meeting procedure. Another possibility would be for the Board to approve the provisional creation of a CC, and then follow up with formal ratification at Town Meeting 2019.
- Haggett made a motion that the Selectboard vote to authorize Mr. Binhammer and Ms. Shea to initiate creation of the proposed advisory Committee, and depending on state requirements, submit an article for Town Meeting Warning subsequently should that be deemed necessary; Mr. Kimmel seconded: 3-0-0.
- Binhammer said the Board would need to appoint members and they could work on establishing formal charter/bylaws etc. Mr. Benson asked how many members they would want: Mr. Binhammer responded they are considering 7 members, but they now have time to do more research and get the process started.
- Highway Department:
- Personnel: the Board and Administrative Assistant Kasey Peterson are looking into updating the job description for the Town Road Crew Foreman’s job/responsibilities. Board members will review draft materials and continue the discussion at the next meeting.
- Pike Construction bid for East Randolph Road (Chelsea Mt. Road): Mr. Peck received a bid proposal from Pike for $90,000. He noted that last year’s quote was less. Mr. Peck will also look into seeing if grant money is available for the project, which the Board authorized him to pursue. Mr Peck also suggested the reuse of existing material for the project as the segment is only 0.5 mile.
- Other
- Peck asked about the budget’s status for the remainder of the fiscal year. He noted that there have been several “mud seasons” this year resulting in the Road Crew using a lot of material. Mr. Benson advised that the Town would have to try to be frugal with what we have left, as the season could go awhile, but we do have a rainy day fund we could use this year and put back into it when we get reimbursement from FEMA projects.
- Dan Mason contacted the Town and asked if Taylor Hill Road could be put on a grading schedule. He has done some work with his own equipment.
- There are also concerns with logging trucks on Taylor Hill Road. The area roads are posted with weight limits for the season. A logger asked if the Board could provide a letter granting permission for log removal during the Spring; the Board is not comfortable with this and Mr. Haggett will call and let the logger know of the decision.
- Kimmel will ask Town Treasurer Teresa Godfrey where we stand on the Highway Department budget for this year.
- Haggett mentioned that Ridge Road had been undergoing further finish work.
- Peck asked if there is a survey map showing where the pins are on the Town Garage property, as the stakes are gone and he would like to know the locations. There is a map, which should be available in the Town Clerk’s Office. Mr. Benson also asked Mr. Peck for recommendations on improving the at the garage site.
- Drug and Alcohol Policy: the Board needs to review and comment on the proposed draft for discussion at the next meeting.
- TRORC Letter: Brookfield needs an Advisor/Representative on the TAC Committee. They have 6 meetings a year, on Thursdays during the day, which can make it hard for some. Mr. Benson asked Mr. Binhammer, but he declined as he is already the Town representative to TRORC and attending meetings twice a month would not work. Mr. Benson suggested that Mr. Peck or another Road Crew employee might be an appropriate for the TAC meetings.
- Old Business:
- Approve Minutes of March 26 Selectboard meeting.
- Tabled until the next meeting.
- Haggett made a motion to approve the minutes from the Special Meeting on April 2, 2018, Mr. Kimmel seconded: 3-0-0.
- Town Offices Security System: the Board is not ready to approve the proposal submitted by Vermont Security. In the meantime, Mr. Benson will inquire with Harmony Electric about the potential cost of installing motion detection lights on the outside of the Town Offices.
- Payroll/AP Warrants: Kimmel made a motion to pay the warrants totaling $10,870.92. Large bills include Pike (gravel): $4,078.01; Pike (gravel): $2,254.59; Barre City Treasurer (Dispatch Services): $1,895.08. Mr. Haggett seconded. 3-0-0.
- Other Proper Business:
- Continuing discussion about an ongoing issue with trash accumulating at a property on the Ridge Road. The Board will consult with Health Officer Starr Strong, and determine what steps the Town might take to address the issue.
- Mr. Kimmel made a motion to adjourn at 8:03 p.m., Mr. Haggett seconded: 3-0-0.