Town of Brookfield
Selectboard Meeting
September 11, 2017 at 6:30 PM
Town Clerk’s Office
Draft Minutes
Present: John Benson (Chair), Jeff Kimmel, Corey Hagget, Ray Peck (Road Crew Foreman), Rose Baier, Tom Young
- Call to Order – 6:30 p.m.
- Adjustments to Agenda – as there are no general public participants, the Selectboard will start with the New Business – Highway – Garage Property issue.
- New Business:
- Highway Department – Garage Property: Ms. Baier and Mr. Young were asked to attend the meeting for an update on activity concerning the potential purchase of a portion of each of their properties as part of a plan to expand the Town Garage site. Mr. Benson explained that, after consultation with the Town Listers, the Town would propose compensation to Ms. Baier of $500 for approximately 0.17 acre of land, and $1,600 to Mr. Young for approximately 0.62 acre of land. Ms. Baier and Mr. Young were agreeable to those amounts.
Mr. Benson also described further steps towards completing the transactions. Ms. Baier said that she would need to contact her bank concerning the potential effects on her mortgage/lien; the Board responded that Town Attorney Pam Stafford could contact the bank, and that the Town will be responsible for any closing costs arising from the transaction. Mr. Young inquired whether compensation would involve an offset of existing or delinquent taxes. Mr. Benson said that an alternative financial arrangement would probably be more appropriate; in addition, the Board would hope to complete the transactions before the next round of property taxes are due on November 4. The Board will also confirm with Ms. Stafford what other steps (and paperwork) are required in the process, and will report back to Ms. Baier and Mr. Young.
- Appointment of Administrative Officer: on recommendation of the Brookfield Planning Commission, and on motion of Mr. Kimmel, Mr. Haggett second, the Board unanimously approved the appointment of Stuart Edson as Town Administrative Officer, term expiring June 30, 2020 (3-0-0). The Board also thanked Ms. Dee Montie for her diligence and years of service to the Town.
- Highway Department (continued)
- Northfield Road Culvert replacement: Mr. Peck reported that the new culvert is installed. Further work at the intersection includes additional coatings, so Mr. Peck will contact contractors for quotes and proposed scheduling for the work. Stan Wheatley has also been contracted for repair work on the intersection. Mr. Peck will also plan to install a concrete headwall and footings to help with drainage in the area.
- a) Several smaller projects are slated, including resurfacing portions of Macredey Road and Gilbert Road: a claim form has been submitted to FEMA, with a response pending; b) Mr. Peck has identified asphalt road portions that need to be crack-sealed and will contact the contractor to move forward; Brookfield’s small section of Chelsea Mountain Road may also be involved; c) the Road Crew’s 1-ton truck is undergoing repairs.
- Based on recommendations submitted by the Public Safety Committee, Mr. Peck will investigate pricing on replacement of existing and additional road speed limit signs. The Board noted that there will be several stages: some signs can be replaced in the short term, but the Board will need to review PSC materials to determine which roads require a public hearing to adjust speed limits.
- The Town truck radios need to be updated to high-band coverage to enable communication with school district buses. The district changed their frequencies, so Mr. Peck will contact equipment providers for price quotes.
- The Board reviewed the proposed salt pricing contract with Cargill: in addition to a quote for material Brookfield usually purchases, Cargill offered two increased tiers of supplemental materials pricing. Mr. Peck will contact Cargill to clarify the offer. On motion of Mr. Haggett, Mr. Kimmel second, the Board voted unanimously to authorize Mr. Peck, after confirming pricing with Cargill, to sign the contract at a materials price of $72.33 per ton (3-0-0).
- The Board noted that the Town has advertised and is accepting applications for part-time Winter help with the Highway Department; applications are due by September 20. Additional discussion covered budgeting for the position, limits on weekly hours, and possibly purchasing a sander attachment for the small truck. Mr. Peck and (Administrative Assistant) Mrs. Peterson will follow up.
- Mr. Peck reported that the Highway Department already has adequate tire chains for each of the large Town trucks and the new grader. He will check pricing on chains for the 1-ton truck.
- Memorial for Jane Woodruff: Ms. Woodruff’s family offered to place a memorial bench on Town property. The Board would be pleased to support the project, and suggested locating the bench in the grassy area in front of the Town Library.
- Old Business
- Mr. Haggett made a motion to approve the minutes of the August 28 meeting, Mr. Kimmel seconded. 3-0-0
- WRVA/BTEMS ambulance services: The Board will contact Julie Benedict (Brookfield Representative to WRVA) and Barre Town to check on progress with mapping the division of services in Brookfield and further steps in the process.
- Mr. Haggett made a motion to pay the warrants totaling $16,310.91. Large bills include White River Valley Ambulance: $6,460.00; Rouse Tire Sales: $2,868.72; R.E. Tucker.: $2,457.84. Mr. Kimmel seconded. 3-0-0.
- Other Proper Business – none
- Mr. Haggett made a motion to adjourn at 7:44 p.m., Mr. Benson seconded. 3-0-0