Town of Brookfield
Selectboard Meeting
February 12, 2018 at 6:30 P.M.
Town Clerk’s Office
Draft Minutes
Present: John Benson (Chair), Jeff Kimmel, Cory Haggett, Ray Peck (Road Crew Foreman), Dawn Conant
- Call to Order – 6:30 p.m.
- Adjustments to Agenda – Discussed Moorcroft Letter below first.
- Public Comment – No public attendees.
- New Business:
- Highway Department:
- Weight Limit Posting
- Peck to work with Kasey Peterson (Administrative Assistant) on getting the signs done and ready to post especially with this current warm weather trend..
- Haggett made a motion to post the roads from now until May 15, 2018, Mr. Kimmel seconded: 3-0-0.
- Security at the Town Garage
- Peck mentioned that security cameras at the garage were malfunctioning.
- Peck will work with Kasey to research what systems are available. Mr. Kimmel asked about looking into cameras that we can link to a smartphone app for ease of monitoring.
- Most camera need the controller for security to be in a “clean room.” Once we get the new system, this should go in Mrs. Peterson’s office.
- They will work on this and get back to the Board with recommendations etc. at the next meeting.
- Peck asked about the roads and if we need to plow more often. Mr. Peck mentioned the heavy use of the sand pile this year, and asked what the plan is if we need more this year. He has made some calls, but wanted to know look at the budget available for sand/gravel purchases. The Board will review and verify the numbers as part of the budgeting process for presentation at Town Meeting 2018.
- Benson received a letter from Pat Mercier regarding her mailbox being hit twice already this year.
- Moorcroft Letter: Jim Moorcroft submitted a written request for a potential Board of Abatement hearing regarding the status of his delinquent taxes. The Selectboard will ask Town Clerk Teresa Godfrey to contact Mr. Moorcroft and arrange possible dates and times for a BoA hearing.
- Town Office Painting/Siding
- The Board will consider costs of painting versus siding installation, and how long either option lasts.
- Painting quote is $8,000 and that is for half of building (lasting 5-7 years).
- Siding could run $27,000+/- which includes all trim and a layer of insulation; one estimate indicated that this option lasts a lot longer, but the Board will need more information.
- Kimmel suggested that we put a proposal out (RFP/RFQ) for siding the building and see what we get. The same process could be used for the sake of comparing painting options.
- Haggett asked if there would be any issues with voters about using siding and the historic look etc. of the building.
- Benson to put together with Mrs. Peterson the RFQ/RFP(s) and get a sense of the Board’s options in a reasonable amount of time.
- Old Business:
- Approve Minutes of January 8th meeting: table approval of January 8th minutes until next meeting.
Approve Minutes of January 22nd meeting: Mr. Haggett made a motion to approve the minutes, Mr. Benson seconded: 3-0-0.
- Barre Town EMS Contract
- Benson asked if there were any problems with the Contract?
- Haggett mentioned that it runs from January 1, 2018 to June 30, 2018.
- Kimmel will speak with Kasey to make sure we have copies of the Services Division Map and get it posted to website. Plan to have Kasey get information out regarding when it took place and where the services are.
- Kimmel made a motion to sign the contract as is, Mr. Haggett seconded: 3-0-0.
- Warrants: Kimmel made a motion to pay the warrants totaling $25,888.81: large bills include Town of Barre (ambulance contract services): $12,874.05; WRVA (ambulance contract services): $3,425.00; Kardel, Inc. (salt): $1,610.79. Mr. Haggett seconded. 3-0-0. Note: a Tenco invoice is listed but the supporting paperwork is missing; Mrs. Peterson can verify the invoice and then process the warrants.
- Other Proper Business:
Trash at the former Smith residence on Ridge Road is accumulating. The Town (through the Health Officer) will continue monitoring conditions, and contact the residents about removal as necessary.
Town Report preparation is nearing its end, and as one of the last steps Mr. Kimmel will ensure that the Town is all set with the budget spreadsheet information before the report goes to printing.
- Mr. Kimmel made a motion to adjourn at 7:32 p.m., Mr. Haggett seconded: 3-0-0.