The Town of Brookfield
Selectboard Meeting
12 September 2016 at 7:00 PM
Town Clerk’s Office
Draft Minutes
Present: John Benson, Cory Haggett, Jeff Kimmel, Ray Peck, Kasey Peterson, Martha Judy, Mardee Sanchez, Jeff Girard, Donald West, Tamara West, Brian Guay, Timothy Hill
1. Call to Order: 7:16 PM
2. Town Plan Public Hearing – Mr. Kimmel described the process by which the Town Plan was drafted including input from Two Rivers-Ottauquechee. He thanked the Planning Commission for all their hard work. An e-mail from Lewis Stowell was presented and discussed; the point of largest concern was support and encouragement of local businesses. The Planning Commission members thanked the Board for their work in editing and preparing the draft and had a few small language changes. Mr. Haggett made a motion to accept the Town Plan as amended with the Planning Commission’s recommended changes. Mr. Kimmel Seconded. 3-0-0.
3. Old Stage Road Public Hearing – The Town is considering the reclassification of an approximately 300 foot portion of TH 45 – Old Stage Road from Class 3 to Class 4. There are no year-round residences on the section of TH 45 in question. The condition of the road section at this time is at the level of a Class 4 road and is not currently plowed during the winter season. The Selectboard feels that there are only two reasonable options: either begin maintaining it at the Class 3 level or reclassify the section to Class 4. Mr. Benson explained the process by which a road classification is changed and noted that the Town highway map will not show the change until next year. Mr. Benson presented a letter submitted by Linda and Jonathan Park regarding access for future logging. Mr. West asked about the loss of state funding, and is also concerned that the road will be abandoned. Mr. Benson was clarified that the Town is not ‘throwing up the road,’ just changing the classification. ‘Throwing up a road’ would be relinquishing the Town’s right-of-way, and is not considered an option. Mr. West also wanted to know how much, if any, maintenance would be provided by the Town Highway Department. Mr. Benson assured Mr. West that the road must remain passable during three seasons to maintain designation as a Town road. The loss from state funding would amount to approximately $300.00. Mr. West further inquired about cutting trees and brush along the sides of the road. Mr. Benson told him that by law he would need permission from the Town to cut standing trees due to liability concerns and the ownership of any lumber. Cutting a fallen tree to clear the road is permissible. A motion was made by Mr. Kimmel that the Town approve the proposed change for a 317 foot portion of Old Stage Road, also known as TH 45, at the western end from Class 3 to Class 4. Seconded by Mr. Benson. 3-0-0
4. Adjustments to Agenda – Addition of Planning Commission member. Mr. Haggett moved to appoint Colin Duclos to the Planning Commission. Mr. Kimmel seconded. 3-0-0.
5. Public Presentation or Comment – none
6. Old Business
A. Mr. Kimmel moved to approve the minutes of the 22 August Meeting as submitted. Mr. Haggett seconded. 3-0-0
B. On Thursday, September 8, the Selectboard met with Mr. Richard Fink in Pond village, Mr. Syd Cushing on Stone Road, and made a site visit on Lavender Road at Mrs. Pat Mercier’s property.
At this time the Board will accept the operation of Ariel’s restaurant as it is until the end of his season in mid-October, but requested that Mr. Fink monitor his patrons’ vehicles to be sure they are not parked in the road. Mr. Fink has agreed to present a parking plan next spring prior to opening for the 2017 season. Mr. Fink was strongly encouraged to discuss parallel parking places in front of his restaurant with Road Foreman Ray Peck. The Board will send a letter to Mr. Fink summarizing the points discussed at the site visit.
The Board’s meeting with Syd Cushing Jr. addressed concerns regarding vehicles parked in the travelled way on Stone Road. The Board also let Mr. Cushing know that the Sherriff’s Office is going to be more vigilant on this issue in the future.
On Lavender Road the Selectboard found that, due to the historic width of the road and location of abutting structures, the Town lacks options for addressing Mrs. Mercier’s concerns about traffic patterns and rights-of-way.
7. New Business
A. Highway Report
1. Rte. 65 Maintenance – The State of Vermont has spread new material on the dirt portions of Rte. 65. Dust was a terrible problem last week. The material has been rolled and chlorided by the State and the dust seems to have abated.
2. VTrans sent a reminder regarding floor drains in buildings where vehicle maintenance is done. The trench in the floor of the garage has no outflow and is therefore compliant with the law.
3. Pike Construction Bill – There was much discussion regarding escalation clauses, notification of price changes, and the funds previously paid to Pike as a down payment for the paving projects on Ridge Road and Northfield Road. This bill will be held until issues can be clarified with Pike.
4. Northfield Road work is almost done.
B. Delegation of Authority for Act 250 – signed and returned to the Town Clerk
8. Payroll/AP Warrant: Mr. Kimmel made a motion to accept the AP warrant in the amount of $22,223.53 including Global Montello in the amount of $11,808.79, White River Valley Ambulance $6,457.85, and Orange County Sherriff Dept. in the amount of $1,102.00. Mr. Haggett seconded. 3-0-0
9. Mr. Haggett moved to accept a grant agreement from VTrans for Bear Hill Road culvert repair. Mr. Kimmel seconded. 3-0-0
10. Adjournment – 9:15
Respectfully Submitted,
Kasey Peterson