Town of Brookfield
Selectboard Meeting
May 13, 2019 at 6:30 P.M.
Town Clerk’s Office
Present: John Benson (Chair), Cory Haggett, Jeff Kimmel, Kasey Peterson (Administrative Assistant), Dawn Conant, Ray Peck (Road Crew Foreman); Public Present: Dan Mason, Kathleen Sauer, Laura Tatro, Dennis Tatro, Kyle Doda
1. Call to Order – 6:33 p.m.
2. Adjustments to Agenda – None
3. Public Comment
• Dan Mason reported on travel conditions on Taylor Hill Road. There are drainage issues posing a challenge; Mr. Mason said he can access his property reasonably well, but some of the other neighbors are having issues. He asked Mr. Peck what steps can be taken to make the road more passable, such as new/additional culverts and grading to help with the flow, which has contributed to driveways being washed out. Mr. Mason inquired whether he also needs to purchase culverts and contact a contractor to install them. He will be there working at his father’s property. While Taylor Hill Road is a Class 4 road, he expressed discouragement that it is getting minimal maintenance while other Town roads appear to be getting much more attention.
• Mr. Benson will discuss with Mr. Peck what strategy the Road Crew wants to pursue about drainage and road conditions on Taylor Hill. Mr. Haggett noted that recent storms have contributed to the problems in the area, undermining culverts and taking out trees. Mr. Mason thanked Mr. Peck for his continued efforts to address the problems.
• Kyle Doda (Thousand Stone Farm) inquired about the status of a proposed subdivision of the Taplin property; Mr. Kimmel will review it and send along the requisite documentation.
4. New Business:
A. Dennis Tatro – Historical Sign: Mr. Tatro gave a brief history of the home site for Justin Morgan and where a proposed historic marker might be placed; Ethan Snow is willing to have the marker on his property. Mr. Benson made a motion to approve the application and the language on the sign with a couple of minor edits. Mr. Kimmel seconded. Mr. Benson asked for any discussion (none). 3-0-0. Mr. Tatro will next submit the request for State approval.
B. Administrative Assistant: Mr. Haggett made a motion at 7:08 p.m. to go into Executive Session regarding a personnel discussion, Mr. Kimmel second: 3-0-0. The Board came out at 7:28 p.m. Ms. Peterson subsequently mentioned a Municipal Employment Seminar in Stowe and suggested she go to it on June 5, 2019.
C. Highway
1. Kathleen Sauer – Eagle Peak
• Eagle Peak ditching: a 100 foot stretch in front of their house has been damaged. Spring runoff has gone around near the foundation and the basement. Ms. Sauer provided a sketch and described the water management system that they had in place. She would like to have the grading changed and be able to put back in place their water management system. Ms. Sauer also indicated that they will try to work more closely with the Road Crew in remedying the issue.
• Mr. Benson to have Mr. Peck go up and meet with Ms. Sauer to see the plan in person and figure out what they can do.
2. Overtime Policy: discussion will continue at the next Board meeting.
3. Salt Bid: Mr. Peck to investigate and figure out the quantity needed and costs. Mr. Haggett made a motion to have Mr. Peck enter into an agreement for the number of tons they need as long as it does not exceed the budgeted amount; Mr. Kimmel second. Mr. Benson asked for discussion (none). 3-0-0.
4. Route 65 Contract: Mr. Haggett made a motion to have Mr. Benson sign the VTrans Maintenance Contract CA#MU0227 for VT Route 65 for the period of July 14, 2019 through July 13, 2021; Mr. Kimmel second. Mr. Benson asked for discussion (none). 3-0-0.
5. Witts Bridge Grant
• Project is done as far as the Contractor is concerned and VTrans. Paperwork needs to be filed and the Town will get reimbursement.
• Resident Walt Garner doesn’t believe the project site is quite done yet and has asked Mr. Peck and the Board to follow up on further remedial work, including on the Garner’s property. In addition, he spoke with White River Partnership and they will work with him to put in trees etc. after the contractor cleans up the site.
• Mr. Peck mentioned that Jaron Borg from ANR has been out to the site a couple of times to see the job. Mr. Peck will visit the site and meet with Mr. Garner, along with review the situation with ANR.
6. Bear Hill Road Culvert: Ms. Peterson sent an e-mail to Chris Bump (AoT) about the project to see where they are with it. The State has been very busy with all the storm damage etc. right now. The Town can consult with an engineer it if they want the work done faster.
7. Other Highway Issues
• Grant for East Hill ditching work from last year: work needs to be done by June 30, 2019. The Town pays for it and then gets reimbursed subsequently. If needed the Town can use emergency funds to pay for current work, while waiting for money from the Witts Bridge project and this grant to come in. Mr. Peck will proceed accordingly.
• Mr. Peck wants to order the sand. If we have the Road Crew haul the sand it will be cheaper.
• Make sure all invoices (for sand etc.) are in the Thursday prior to the last Selectboard Meeting (June 20, 2019) for this fiscal year.
• Taylor Hill is still wet, but will be addressed as conditions improve.
D. Budget: addressed above, and review will continue as the Board moves to the conclusion of FR 2018/2019.
E. Public Assemblage Permits – Brookfield Community Partnership: Mr. Kimmel made a motion that we approve the Public Assemblage Permit for the Morgan Mile Road horse event on September 7, 2019, a Brookfield Community Partnership event on June 8, 2019, and an Old Town Hall event on July 25, 2019. Mr. Haggett second. Mr. Benson asked for discussion (none). 3-0-0.
5. Old Business:
Approve Minutes of April 22, 2019 meeting: Mr. Benson made a motion to approve the Meeting Minutes of April 22, 2019; Mr. Kimmel second. Mr. Benson asked for discussion (none). 3-0-0.
6. Payroll/AP Warrants: Mr. Haggett made a motion to pay the warrants totaling $35,559.79 with large bills that include R.E. Tucker (gravel): $10,785.85; R.E. Tucker (gravel): $7,333.95; Kirk Yard Services, (fence down payment): $6,500.00. Mr. Kimmel second. Mr. Benson asked for discussion (none). 3-0-0.
7. Other Proper Business:
• Ridge Road Property: a dumpster appears to be at the property. The timeframe is for dumpster pickup on May 16, followed by 2 week cycles of trash removal.
• Mr. Benson has not made any progress regarding an RFP draft for the Town Garage project yet.
• Mr. Benson will follow up with Ms. Peterson regarding finding surveyors for the Stone Road ROW review.
• Mr. Benson talked with a contractor, who indicated that Ash wood is usually not used in building construction; it is more common in furniture making. A resident had suggested the Board investigate the issue for the potential Town Garage project.
8. Mr. Kimmel made a motion to adjourn at 9:00 p.m., Mr. Haggett second. 3-0-0.