Town of Brookfield
Selectboard Meeting
November 11, 2019 at 6:30 P.M.
Town Clerk’s Office
Present: John Benson (Chair), Cory Haggett, Jeff Kimmel
- Call to Order – 6:44 p.m.
- Adjustments to Agenda – None
- Public Comment – None
- New Business:
A. Highway
1. Bear Hill Culvert Extension Letter: Mr. Benson signed off on a request to the Vermont Agency of Transportation for a one-year extension (to 12-16-20) on documentation due regarding a new culvert on Bear Hill Road.
2. Pike Paving Report: the Town received a request for an additional $12,000 payment to cover shoulder grading on the Ridge Road. Mr. Haggett will confer with Ray Peck (Road Crew Foreman) to confirm the road conditions and payment amount. On motion of Mr. Benson, Mr. Kimmel second, 3-0-0: the Board approved the payment to Pike pending Mr. Peck’s confirmation.
3. Equipment Grant: the Board signed off on a request for reimbursement through the State Municipal Grants-in-Aid program for the purchase of a haybale shredder. Supplemental receipts and supporting documentation will be included in the submission.
4. Road Crew Employee Performance Review: the Board completed the review and approval.
5. Credit Card Limit for Highway Department: The Board contacted Administrative Assistant Kasey Peterson and asked for her recommendation. She suggested a $3,000 limit, and that the card also only be authorized for Mr. Peck’s use. The issue was tabled pending the Board contacting Mr. Peck regarding his approval of the $3,000 proposed limit. On a related issue, the Board briefly discussed potential approaches to accounting for the new debit card policy in the Town Budget.
6. ANR Letter Re: Underground Fuel Tank: the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources sent a request for updated information regarding the status of contaminated soil that was stockpiled in 2005. The Town will follow up on the requested testing
B. Budget
1. Radio Repeater: deferred
2. Garage Extension/Renovation Loan Questions: Mr. Benson reported that he has checked with Connor Construction, and they are preparing proposals (including drawings) regarding potential designs and associated costs. The Board will schedule another meeting with company representatives to review the drafts and raise any questions or suggestions.
C. WRVA Representative: Mr. Haggett volunteered to act as Brookfield’s representative, until a permanent volunteer replacement is found.
D. Local Hazard Mitigation Plan – Grant for Update: On motion of Mr. Kimmel, Mr. Haggett second, the Board voted 3-0-0 to authorize the Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission to apply for the grant on behalf of the Town.
5. Old Business:
A. Personnel Policy Changes: deferred.
B. Approve Minutes of October 14, 2019 Selectboard meeting: Mr. Haggett made a motion to approve the Meeting Minutes of October 14, 2019, Mr. Kimmel second; Mr. Benson asked for discussion (none): 3-0-0.
C. Approve Minutes of October 28, 2019 Selectboard meeting: deferred.
D. Approve Minutes of October 4, 2019 Selectboard Special Meeting: Mr. Haggett made a motion to approve the Meeting Minutes of October 4, 2019, Mr. Benson second; Mr. Benson asked for discussion (none): 3-0-1.
6. Payroll/AP Warrants: Mr. Haggett made a motion to pay the warrants totaling $73,471.07 with large bills that include: MBFS USA LLC (truck payment): $65,501.78; Radio North Group Inc. (radio – 1-ton truck): $1,835.00; TENCO New England Inc. (plow parts): $1,756.84; Mr. Kimmel second; Mr. Benson asked for discussion (none): 3-0-0.
7. Other Proper Business: the Board will ask Ms. Peterson to send a letter to the Cushings thanking them for their patience and consideration during the Stone Road survey and subsequent site review meeting process.
8. Mr. Haggett made a motion to adjourn at 7:47 p.m., Mr. Benson second: 3-0-0.