Town of Brookfield
Selectboard Meeting
July 22, 2019 at 6:30 P.M.
Town Clerk’s Office
Present: John Benson (Chair), Cory Haggett, Jeff Kimmel, Mike Fiorillo
- Call to Order – 6:31 p.m.
- Adjustments to Agenda: Move items 4(C) – Appointment of AO and 4(B) – Appointment of TRORC Representative, to initial items.
- Public Comment: None
- New Business:
B. Appointment of Representative to the Regional Planning Commission (Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission): Mr. Benson made a motion to appoint Gwynn Zakov as Brookfield’s representative to TRORC, Mr. Haggett second: 3-0-0. Mr. Benson made a motion to appoint Nancy Jacques to the Brookfield Planning Commission, Mr. Haggett second: 3-0-0.
C. Appointment of Administrative Officer: Mr. Benson made a motion to appoint Mike Fiorillo to the AO (Zoning) position, Mr. Haggett second. Mr. Kimmel made a motion to amend the motion to include appointment of Mr. Kimmel as Assistant AO, Mr. Haggett second; 3-0-0 (amendment); 3-0-0 (amended motion).
A. Highway- Certificate of Highway Mileage: Mr. Kimmel reported that he had sent the signed certificate and supporting material to the VT Agency of Transportation. He will follow up with AOT to see if there were any remaining questions.
- Twin Pond Road: deferred until next Board meeting. Road Crew Foreman Ray Peck will be able to provide a description of activities.
- TRORC – 2019 Better Roads Planning: Mr. Benson (Selectboard Chair) signed off on an agreement between TRORC and Brookfield for “2019 Better Roads Planning Services” and an application for a road erosion inventory through the Better Roads Grant Program.
- Amendment to Rte 65 Contract: Mr. Benson made a motion to approve an amendment to the Town’s contract with VT AOT for maintenance of VT Route 65, Mr. Haggett second: 3-0-0. The contract addresses Town and State responsibilities for Route 65 maintenance, along with establishing labor and equipment rates.
- Road and Bridge Standards: at the recommendation of TRORC, Mr. Kimmel made a motion to adopt Town Road and Bridge Standards in conformity with State and Federal requirements, Mr. Benson second: 3-0-0. Mr. Benson made a motion to approve an Operations and Maintenance Agreement – RPC/DEC Municipal Roads Grants-in-Aid Program – Equipment Purchase, Mr. Kimmel second: 3-0-0. The agreement addresses reimbursement amounts for various types of equipment, including a hay bale shredder. The signed agreement will be submitted to TRORC.
D. Education Tax Rate: the State Department of Taxes has issued the Education Tax Rates for FY 2020. Brookfield’s rates are – Non-Homestead: $1.4862, Homestead: $1.4649. The Board, with the assistance of the Town Clerk/Treasurer, will be setting the Town Municipal rate at the next meeting.
- Old Business:
A. Approve Minutes of June 24, 2019 Selectboard meeting: Mr. Haggett made a motion to approve the minutes of the meeting, Mr. Benson second: 3-0-0.
B. Approve Minutes of July 8, 2019 Selectboard meeting: Mr. Haggett made a motion to approve the minutes of the meeting, Mr. Benson second: 3-0-0 - Payroll/AP Warrants: Mr. Haggett made a motion to pay the warrants totaling $40,372.51 with large bills that include Brandon Stevens Mowing (Roadside Mowing): $8,500.00; R.E. Tucker (Gravel) $6,671.30; S. Wheatley & Sons (East Hill Grant): $4,940.00; Mr. Kimmel second: 3-0-0.
- Other Proper Business:
• Mr. Benson reported that he had attended a local meeting about the benefits of Pond Village receiving a “Village Designation.”
• Mr. Kimmel reported that he would contact the Town Attorney regarding further steps in remedying a trash problem evolving on a Ridge Road property. - Mr. Kimmel made a motion to adjourn at 7:39 p.m., Mr. Haggett second: 3-0-0.