Minutes of the
Meeting of
Held by remote electronic devices and at Town Office
May 24, 2021
THOSE PRESENT: John Benson, Chair; Jeff Kimmel and Dennis LaRocque, Board Members, Kasey Peterson, Administrative Assistant; and Betty Lord, Secretary.
A. CALL TO ORDER: The Chair, Mr. Benson called the meeting to order at 6:36 p.m.
C. SELECTBOARD ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING: Mr. Kimmel made a motion to appoint Mr. Benson as Interim Chairman of the Board. Mr. LaRocque seconded the motion which was approved: (2-0-1). Mr. LaRocque was appointed Interim Road Commissioner (2-0-1).
E. HIGHWAY REPORT: Mr. Kimmel gave the highway report prepared by Mr. Tim Higgins, Road Crew Foreman. The new truck, approved at Town Meeting on May 22, 2021, has been ordered and Mr. Higgins is awaiting news of its delivery date. Underground fuel tanks have been inspected with no serious problems found. The grader, loader, and backhoe have been serviced and the Road Crew has been busy grading and raking roads, changing out culverts, and ditching. Chloride is spread daily after grading is done.
Mr. Higgins will be in touch with W.B. Rogers this week and hopes to start stockpiling sand soon.
1. Town Meeting minutes – The minutes will be presented at the next meeting of the Selectboard on June 14, 2021.
2. COVID Workplace Guidelines – No action taken. This topic will be held over for discussion at the next meeting of the Selectboard.
3. Public Assemblage Permit – Sprague – Mr Benson described a notice of an Open House to take place at the Sprague Farm on Route 14 in East Brookfield on July 17 from Noon to 4:00 p.m. The Brookfield Fire Department will be responsible for parking control and the Sheriff’s Department will be responsible for traffic management. The event will be open to the public and as many as 500 people are expected. Mr. Benson made a motion to approve the Public Assemblage Permit. Mr LaRocque seconded the motion which carried unanimously (3-0-0). As Route 14 is a State highway, VTrans will be contacted to get their recommendations regarding traffic management.
G. OLD BUSINESS: The Board received a statement for $11,034 to pay for replacement of the family stones in the Ridge Road Cemetery. The statement will be sent to the Town’s attorney to be presented to the insurance company of the person who caused the damage to the stones.
Mrs. Peterson was asked to contact two towns to inquire if they have an electronic outline on their cemetery policy they would be willing to share, offering a template to follow in updating the cemetery policy for the Town of Brookfield.
H. APPROVAL OF BOARD MINUTES: Mr. LaRocque made a motion to accept the minutes of April 26, 2021 as presented. Mr. Kimmel seconded and the motion was approved unanimously (3-0-0).
Mr. Benson made a motion to accept the minutes of May 10, 2021 as read. Mr. LaRocque seconded and the motion was approved unanimously (3-0-0).
I PAYROLL/AP WARRANTS: Mr. LaRocque made a motion to accept the accounts payable in the total amount of $17,978.99, with the highest payment being made to MVP Health Care in the amount of $4,637.72. Mr. Kimmel seconded the motion which carried unanimously (3-0-0).
1. Mr. Ed Koren has asked that the road spur between the war monument and the Old Town Hall parking lot be filled in with top soil. Mr. Koren has the documents which state this parcel is part of his property. A title search will be made and finding no problems with the deed, the road will be filled in as requested.
2. A utility license agreement is to be drawn up between the Town and the Taplins on West Street for a private utility wire that has been installed in the right-of-way. Mr. Higgins will mark a map to show the location of the line and a marker will be placed on the road indicating “Buried Utility.”
K. EXECUTIVE SESSION: The Board entered into Executive Session and it was decided to provide additional sick time if necessary for employees who have bad reactions to the Covid-19 vaccine.
It was further decided that no action was to be taken regarding the Road Foreman’s salary pending further discussion with Mr. Higgins.
The Executive Session was ended at 8:53 p.m.
There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 8:54 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Betty Lord, Secretary