Minutes of the
Meeting of
January 25, 2021
Meeting conducted by Zoom
THOSE PRESENT: John Benson, Chair; Jeff Kimmel, and Dennis LaRocque, Board members; Tim Higgins, Road Crew Foreman; Kasey Peterson, Assistant Town Clerk; and Betty Lord, Sec-retary
A. Call to Order: The Chair, John Benson called the meeting to order at 6:34 p.m.
B. Adjustments to the Agenda: None
C. Public Comments: None
D. Highway
1. Certificate of Highway Mileage: Mr. Benson and Mr. Kimmel signed the Certificate, which will also be signed by the Town Clerk and forwarded to the VT Agency of Transportation for review and approval.
2. Excess Weight: the Public Safety Advisory Committee (Lew Stowell, Chair) provided a set of recommendations regarding Town procedures for processing requests for excess weight permits for large vehicles, based on a tiered system of weights. The Town Administrative Assistant would be the initial contact person; the Road Crew Foreman and/or Road Commissioner would also be consulted when circumstances warrant. PSAC is also reviewing the Town’s Traffic Ordinance, and has recommended several changes be made by putting up yield signs and MPH signs on various roads in Town.
3. Other Highway Business: Mr. Higgins stated that the Road Crew had been busy plowing and sanding following the recent snow storms. He is still waiting for a couple of return calls regarding the price of a truck chassis.
Mr. Benson, Mr. LaRocque and Mr. Sprague will talk with Mr. Keith Sprague regarding the price of sand from the proposed Sprague sand pit and will be discussing a contract.
Mr. Higgins further stated that Stan Wheatley will be willing to work with the Town once a contract is worked out with the Spragues.
E. New Business
1. SWIP Representative
Mr. Benson made a motion to appoint Mr. Kimmel as the SWIP Representative on a temporary basis. Mr. LaRocque seconded the motion which carried unanimously. 3-0-0
F. Old Business
1. Budget and Town Meeting
Mr. Benson reported that with the exception of the price of sand and the trucks for the garage, the budget is almost complete and a draft copy has been sent to Mr. Kimmel and Mr. LaRocque for their perusal and comments.
a. Ballot mailing – Voting will take place at the Town Meeting but those voters who wish to do so, may request an absentee ballot from the office of the Town Clerk.
b. Town Meeting – Mr. Benson made a motion that the Town Meeting for 2021 be moved from the first Tuesday in March to Saturday, May 22 commencing at 10:00 a.m. with the location to be announced at a later date. Mr. Kimmel seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 3-0-0.
2. Upgrade to Town Office Lighting – A clarification was made that replacing the lights in the Town Office would also include replacing the lights in the vault. Mrs. Peterson will notify Harmony Electric to change the lights in the vault was well as the lights in the office space.
G. Approval of Selectboard Minutes of January 11, 2021.
Mr. LaRocque made a motion to approve the minutes of January 11, 2021 as read. Mr. Kimmel seconded and the minutes were unanimously approved. 3-0-0.
H. Payroll and AP Warrants
Mr. LaRocque made a motion to accept the Accounts Payable in the amount of $13,346.88 with the highest payment in the amount of $4,637.72 payable to MVP Healthcare.
There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Kimmel made a motion to adjourn, Mr. LaRocque seconded, and the meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Betty Lord,
Secretary to the Board