Town of Brookfield
Selectboard Meeting
November 25, 2019 at 6:30 P.M.
Town Clerk’s Office
Present: John Benson (Chair), Cory Haggett, Jeff Kimmel, Ray Peck (Road Crew Foreman)
Public Present: Stan and Sharon Wheatley
- Call to Order – 6:33 p.m.
- Adjustments to Agenda – None
- Public Comment: Mr. & Mrs. Wheatley inquired about the status of their request for a zoning variance. Mr. Kimmel reported that he has received their information and is working on it, along with reviewing pertinent requirements regarding variances. Mrs. Wheatley asked about the length of the process, including timing for a hearing. Mr. Kimmel will get back to them on whether a hearing is needed and possible dates to do so. In addition, the Wheatleys indicated there may be adjustments to the proposal, so another site visit may be necessary. Mr. Kimmel thanked them for their patience.
- New Business:
A. Variance Permit Request – Wheatley: see above.
B. Highway
1. Ridge Road Paving – Pike Construction
- There are issues with areas of paving on Ridge Road.
- Mr. Peck has taken photos of the 6 worst spots that he feels are currently problematic or could become more of a problem through the Winter and Spring.
- Mr. Peck needs to call Chris Bump (Agency of Transportation) and see if we can get a state inspection to verify conditions.
- Pike has said they will fix the problems.
- Mr. Benson wants an agreement of the value of what needs to be fixed and when it will occur; if we wait until Spring (due to winter weather) will that make it cost more, etc. He will work with Administrative Assistant Kasey Peterson to draft a letter and review options.
- Mr. Benson suggests that the Town hold off payment (at least a portion) until Pike and the Town figure out the repairs, process, timing, and value for fixing the problems.
2. Obstructions/Snow in Public Roads
- If the Town crew witness snow/obstructions in the road, they need to give Ms. Peterson the 911 numbers/address and she will send a letter to the property owner.
- A Bear Hill property owner has put a 3 ½” diameter pipe/pole, 8 feet tall in the travel way/edge of the road. Mr. Benson wants Mr. Peck to speak with Mr. Bump at VTrans to see if there is a statute addressing what the Town can/cannot do. Then Ms. Peterson can draft a letter that references that statute and give the property owner a deadline to remove the pipe/pole and the legal reason for doing so.
C. VLCT Cannabis Resolution Relating to 5.54: the Board discussed the request for Town support of the resolution, and decided that at this time it is not interested in supporting the proposal.
D. Budget – Radio Repeater: this issue/item will have to be tabled for this year, as the Board is dealing with multiple other budget issues/purchases.
E. Other Highway Business
- Mr. Peck talked about the plans for loader purchase. The Board asked for the plan of what we are getting regarding the loader so the Board can provide detailed information about the proposed purchase to the voters (payment structure, trade in etc.) at Town Meeting 2020.
- Regarding the proposed truck purchase: we need information for this as well and if we will be able to pay for it starting Fall 2021. Can we sign the contract in the near-term to start the order process and timeline, etc.? Mr. Peck will follow up.
- The Board asked Mr. Peck about gas for the 1-ton truck and if he has the debit/credit card to pay for purchases. He got the debit card from Town Clerk/Treasurer Teresa Godfrey and he has signed the form acknowledging the card policy. Rob Wheatley still needs to sign the form. There is a book to keep track of and retain copies of receipts.
- Regarding the cost for a sander/plow: it is not the same as the quote that was previously given to Mr. Peck. He will check with Lucky’s to see what happened and what the difference is and get back to the Board.
- Ray brought up about the overtime pay/working on Holidays and how the crew is paid. The Board came up with 8-hour Holiday pay and time & half for work if they work on the holiday. Mr. Haggett wants a policy set; Mr. Kimmel will draft language to amend the Personnel Policy accordingly.
- The Board is continuing to consider designs for the proposed expansion/renovation of the Town Garage, including 3 bays heated, 1 heated, or 4 bays heated.
5. Old Business:
A. WRVA Brookfield Representative: Mr. Benson has not talked with WRVA yet. Mr. Haggett said that if the Board cannot find anyone in the interim, he can serve until February 2020.
B. Personnel Policy Changes: Mr. Kimmel is still working on continued edits and tweaks.
C. Approve Minutes of October 28, 2019 meeting: deferred. Mr. Kimmel will forward the draft to Mr. Haggett and Mr. Benson for review.
D. Approve Selectboard Minutes of November 11, 2019 meeting: Mr. Haggett made a motion to approve the Meeting Minutes of November 11, 2019, Mr. Kimmel second; Mr. Benson asked for discussion (none): 3-0-0.
6. Payroll/AP Warrants:
A. Warrant for Town Contributions: Mr. Benson made a motion to pay the warrants for Town Contributions totaling $15,341.00 with large bills that include $3,600; Visiting Nurses of VT and NH: $2,000.00; Randolph Senior Center: $1,905.00; Clara Martin Center: $6,450.00. Mr. Kimmel second. Mr. Benson asked for discussion (none): 3-0-0.
B. AP and Payroll Warrants
- Mr. Kimmel made a motion to pay the warrants totaling $48,651.72 with large bills that include $16,673.40; R.E. Tucker (gravel): $6,442.00; R. E. Tucker (gravel): $5,970.00; Lowell Mcleaods Inc. (truck chains). Mr. Benson second.
- Note: The Selectboard is delaying the $212,556.40 payment to Pike Industries pending solutions/resolution of pavement issues on Ridge Road (as mentioned above). Mr. Benson asked if there was further discussion on the amendment (none): 3-0-0.
7. Other Proper Business:
- Mr. Benson is starting work on a rough draft of the Town Budget.
- Mr. Kimmel will reach out to groups that have requested contributions in the past to get their proposed numbers and updated reports into the upcoming Town Report. Ms. Peterson and Ms. Godfrey also may have already received submissions.
- The Board will ask community members for suggestions for a cover photo and dedication(s) in the Town Report.
- Mr. Benson asked Mr. Haggett if he had spoken to the Garden Club yet on their potential request for funding; he is working on it.
8. Mr. Kimmel made a motion to adjourn at 7:54 p.m., Mr. Haggett second: 3-0-0.