The Town of Brookfield
Selectboard Meeting
26 June 2017 at 6:30 PM
Town Clerk’s Office
Draft Minutes
Present: John Benson, Jeff Kimmel, Cory Haggett, Ray Peck, John Helfant, Kasey Peterson
1. Call to Order – 6:33
2. Adjustments to Agenda – none
3 Public Presentation or Comment – Mr. Helfant was present to discuss an issue with his property. He bought a piece of land in 1999 that straddled the Roxbury town line. At that time the research showed that the house itself was in Brookfield. Mr. Helfant’s intent in clarifying the position of the house before purchase was so that his children would go to Brookfield Elementary and Randolph High School. Subsequently the Roxbury/Brookfield town line was adjusted, which shifted most of the Helfant property so that the house is now in Roxbury. At that time Mr. Helfant was informed that he would have school choice and the line adjustment would not affect his intentions to send his children to Brookfield and Randolph. Now as part of Act 46, Roxbury is being consolidated with the Montpelier school district, and school choice is no longer an option. Mr. Helfant asked the Board if there was any way another line adjustment could be made, because his intent all along has been to live in Brookfield. Mr. Kimmel had discussed the matter with Mr. Helfant prior to the meeting and contacted the Vermont League of Cities and Towns. VLCT indicated that any boundary line change between the two towns would have to go through the same process the original line change was subject to, including public hearings and action from the state legislature. The Selectboard did agree to support Mr. Helfant’s position if he decided to pursue the matter. It was suggested that Mr. Helfant petition the school boards. There was no action taken by the Selectboard.
4. New Business:
A. Highway Report:
1. A resident on Taylor Hill Road would like to pay for some maintenance work to be done on that road. The Town does minimal maintenance to keep that road passable, including grading it twice a year. The Board has no objection if the residents on that road buy the material and truck it to Taylor Hill, as long as the purchased material meets proper road standards and the material is in place before the grading is done as part of the highway department’s regular schedule.
2. There was a discussion on budget numbers for the end of the year, and ensuring that all the invoices that should be paid in FY16/17 are accounted for.
3. Executive Session: Mr. Benson made a motion to enter executive session at 7:07 for a personnel issue. Mr. Kimmel seconded. 3-0-0. Mr. Benson moved to exit executive session at 7:11. Mr. Haggett seconded. 3-0-0.
4. John Harrington from VTrans has discussed the Route 65 issues with Mr. Benson. VTrans has agreed to send a copy of the plan to resurface the unpaved portion of Rte 65 including the Village. Mr. Harrington assured Mr. Benson that the road will be properly crowned and that material lost during winter maintenance will be pulled from the ditches.
5. Old Business
A. Mr. Haggett made a motion to approve the minutes of the 12 June Meeting. Mr. Kimmel seconded. 3-0-0
B. The Brookfield Historical Society requested that the town pay for the stump work at the Marvin Newton House. The Marvin Newton House is not Town property and is not subject to town maintenance. Mr. Kimmel will follow up with the Historical Society.
C. A discussion about building security included options for cameras both indoors and facing the parking lot and the installation of motion-sensitive lights on the outside of the building. Mrs. Peterson has been tasked with ordering cameras and contacting an electrician to install the motion-activated lights.
D. On the matter of changes to the ambulance service there are only a few issues remaining. Chris Lamonda from Barre Town EMS needs a few more population figures from the Town. The Brookfield Highway Department will provide information on the last few roads in question. And Barre Town EMS needs to hold a public hearing before making changes to their license. No Selectboard action taken.
6. Mr. Kimmel made a motion to pay the warrants totaling $60,887.67. Large bills include Municipal Emergency Services: $14,206.94; Dubois and King: $5,500.00; Radio North: $5,372.00. Haggett seconded 3-0-0.
7. Other Proper Business – none
8. Mr. Kimmel made a motion to adjourn at 8:39 p.m., Mr. Haggett seconded. 3-0-0