Town of Brookfield
Selectboard Meeting
June 8, 2020 at 6:30 P.M.
Town Clerk’s Office
Draft Minutes
Attending: John Benson (Chair), Jeff Kimmel, Dennis LaRocque, Kasey Peterson (Administrative Assistant)
A. Call to Order – 6:36 p.m.
B. Adjustments to Agenda: A personnel issue recently arose; on motion of Mr. Benson, Mr. Kimmel second, the Board voted 3-0-0 to go into Executive Session at 6:37 p.m., for a personnel discussion. The Board exited the session at 7:05 p.m.
C. Public Comment: (none)
D. Highway Report:
1) Ridge Road: the Town received a report from Chris Bump (VT Agency of Transportation) and other AoT personnel regarding degrading conditions on the road. Mr. Bump had visited Brookfield on May 14 to review the situation. At that meeting, Road Crew Foreman Ray Peck had identified several issues with the paving work performed by Pike Industries in Fall 2019.
AoT addressed 3 sections of the road, the conditions they observed, and potential responses to the problems. The Board will forward a copy of the report to the Town Attorney, asking for his recommendations on how to proceed.
2) Baker Access Permit: Baker Access Permit: Jeff Baker submitted an application for an Access Permit to upgrade a 700 feet portion of TH14 (starting at the junction with Twin Pond Road) along with creating a driveway off of TH14 into a parcel that Mr. Baker intends to develop.
A neighboring property owner (Les Haskell) had expressed concerns about the proposed road work, including appropriate drainage and culvert construction, impact on local water resources, proper continuing maintenance on the improved portion, and the potential for increased traffic on TH14.
The Board would like to have Mr. Baker provide additional information and documents, including Subdivision and Development Permit applications that would help describe plans for the site. Town Administrative Officer (Zoning) Mike Fiorillo is aware of the proposal development, and will also need additional information regarding the zoning permits. Mr. Fiorillo has indicated he believes Mr. Baker wants to complete the Access Permit process before proceeding to the zoning items.
3) Gravel/Sand Pit: Road Crew Foreman Ray Peck has been discussing a proposed plan with Keith Sprague to obtain sand for the Town; Mr. Sprague may have a site that could be opened up as a sand and/or gravel pit.
Mr. Benson said he will contact Mr. Sprague and follow up regarding potential test pit borings to begin to assess the quality of the material and potential area it covers.
4) Hay Bale Shredder – Grant Paperwork: Ms. Peterson asked that the Road Crew provide photos and additional shredder usage information in support of the grant.
5) Road-side Mowing Contract: On motion of Mr. Benson, Mr. LaRocque second, the Board voted 3-0-0 to approve the Contract for Services with Brandon Stevens Mowing LLC for the annual Town mowing work.
E. New Business
1. Vermont Local Government Resolution: no action.
2. Contract for Stan Wheatley: Mr. Benson made a motion to approve the contract for services with Stan Wheatley; Mr. LaRocque second. Mr. Benson asked for discussion (none): 3-0-0. Mr. Wheatley has provided contractor work and equipment for various Brookfield Highway Department projects for many years.
F. Old Business
1. Personnel Policy – deferred.
G. Approve Selecboard Meeting Minutes: Mr. Kimmel made a motion to approve the Meeting Minutes of May 26, 2020; Mr. LaRocque second. Mr. Benson asked for discussion (none): 3-0-0.
H. Payroll/AP Warrants: Mr. LaRocque made a motion to pay the warrants totaling $79,787.93 with large bills that include: Hebert Excavation (Sand): $60,045.00; Everett J. Prescott (Culverts): $7,320.00; and BCBS VT (Health Insurance): $4,500.65; Mr. Kimmel second. Mr. Benson asked for discussion (none): 3-0-0.
I. Other Proper Business:
An item was addressed in Road-side Mowing above.
The Board proposed an initial meeting of the Town Garage Committee to be held June 16 at the Town Clerk’s Office, at 6:30 p.m. Board members will notify people who have expressed an interest in participating in the committee.
The Board is looking for a person to help prepare minutes for Selectboard meetings. The position will be paid, and involve approximately 2 hours to take notes at each meeting and approximately 3 hours to draft the minutes.
J. Mr. LaRocque made a motion to adjourn at 8:33 p.m., Mr. Kimmel second: 3-0-0.