Brookfield Selectboard Meeting of August 24, 2015
Town Clerk’s Office on Ralph Road
Selectboard: John Benson (Chair), Cory Haggett, Jeff Kimmel
Public Attendees: Darline & Roger Hache, Ray Peck (Road Crew Foreman)
1. Call to Order:
Mr. Benson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
2. Adjustments to Agenda:
There were no adjustments to the Agenda.
3. Old Business:
Mr. and Mrs. Hache inquired as to whether the Selectboard or Town Clerk had made any further progress in determining the Class 3/4 status of Old Stage Road, along with potential rights-of-way or easements that might provide access to the Haches’ property. While there was no new information, the Selectboard is anticipating word from Town Attorney Pam Stafford regarding her research on the topics. In addition, Town Clerk Teresa Godfrey is searching Town records regarding Old Stage Road.
On motion of Mr. Haggett, seconded by Mr. Benson, the Board voted to approve the minutes of the August 10, 2015 meeting. Vote: 2-0-0
4. Highway Report:
Ray Peck addressed several items regarding the new Freightliner truck that is in mid-processing:
- The new truck has 3-season tires. Mr. Peck recommended that the Town invest in snow-ice tires, which would cost approximately $2,000.
- The truck will be going to Tenco on September 8 for completion of body work.
- Mr. Benson indicated that he will initiate discussions with the bank about arranging for 1 year of financing for the vehicle.
Mr. Peck reported that restoration of the former Wheatley gravel pit should be done within a couple days. Keith Sprague, the eventual owner, has reviewed the site and seems satisfied with the work. Pam Stafford will be asked to prepare documentation to transfer the pit from the Town either to the Wheatley estate or Mr. Sprague.
The status of several ongoing road projects was also reviewed:
- Old Stage Road: it will take an additional 3 to 4 days to clear stumps within the Town’s right-of-way. The work should start this week, according to Mr. Peck.
- Old Cross Road: it will take about 2 days to clear trees, and then the site should be ready for delivery of box culvert sections.
- Farnsworth Lane: following work on the above 2 projects, Mr. Peck said that he will return to the Lane and hire a contractor to help haul material.
Mr. Peck and the Selectboard briefly discussed that status of the proposed contract between the Town and the state Agency of Transportation shifting Route 65 maintenance responsibility to the Town. The Board agreed that it would be helpful to have the Vermont League of Cities and Towns review and comment on the proposal.
The Board asked Mr. Peck to consider the potential for creating additional parking spaces in the Town Offices lot. If possible, it might be a project to attempt before the Road Crew shifts to winter preparation activities. In addition, the Board suggested the laying of gravel and fabric to help stabilize the ground around the offices.
5. Old Business:
The accounting firm Sullivan & Powers submitted a conclusions letter (dated June 18, 2015) regarding their latest audit of Town finances. The Board will confirm with Town Treasurer Teresa Godfrey that she has had adequate opportunity to review the letter.
The Board discussed further amendments to the Town’s Personnel Policy, including a stipend for boots for the Road Crew, supplying uniforms, and approaches to the on-call requirement for Road Crew members to respond to winter conditions.
6. Accounts Payable:
On motion by Mr. Haggett, seconded by Mr. Kimmel, the Board voted to pay the warrants in the amount of $9,726.59. This amount included a payment to BCBS for $3,626.49, and 2 payments to Justin Ford for $1,500.00 (40 Acre Tree Service) and $2,000.00 (Cemetery tree work). Vote 3-0-0
7. Adjournment:
On motion by Mr. Haggett, seconded by Mr. Kimmel, the Board voted to adjourn at 8:45 p.m. until the next meeting on September 14, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. Vote 3-0-0
Respectfully submitted,
Jeff Kimmel