Town of Brookfield
Selectboard Meeting
May 14, 2018 at 6:30 P.M.
Town Clerk’s Office
Present: Cory Haggett (Acting Chair), Jeff Kimmel, Dawn Conant, Lew Stowell (PSAC), Stuart Edson (PSAC), Gwynn Zakov
1. Call to Order – 6:37 p.m., Mr. Haggett agreed to perform acting Selectboard Chair duties.
2. Adjustments to Agenda – Mr. Stowell and Mr. Edson (Public Safety Advisory Committee) first.
3. Public Comment
• Mr. Stowell reported that he had inquired with the owners of a property abutting the Town Clerk’s Office about the possibility of arranging a lot line adjustment as means to enlarge the parking area available at the TC Office. The owners were willing to discuss the issue. In addition, Road Crew Foreman Ray Peck will be consulted about potential measurements and the feasibility of pursuing the project.
• The Pond Village area needs new signs in appropriate spots to indicate the revised speed limit of 25 mph.
• Selectboard Chair Mr. Benson had contacted OCSD Sheriff Bill Bohnyak regarding a Stone Road property with vehicles encroaching on the right-of-way. The Town needs to determine where the proper center line of the pertinent road section is, along with the boundaries of the RoW. The current travel portion is very narrow and sometimes presents a hazard for two-car travel. Other issues include whether the road has shifted over time, whether the Road Crew needs to do remedial work on the western portion, and what state requirements are.
• The PSAC would like a chance to review the upcoming annual contract with the Sheriff’s Department before it is finalized by the Selectboard. Issues include: more specific times when OCSD services are available (spring/summer/fall when busiest), not just in winter; and more patrols on other Brookfield roads that have high traffic as well. Mr. Kimmel asked the PSAC to suggest a list of roads they would like to see prioritized. Mr. Haggett asked does the Town get billed if OCSD gets called out to another event while patrolling our roads, which appears to be true.
• Would like to have more State Police coverage without having to have a contract. Their contracts are more expensive and right now not the way to go.
• Orange County Sherriff Department (OCSD) has put up a speed cart on Stone Road, but the speed limit sign in the area (35 mph) doesn’t conform to the 25 mph limit identified for the area.
• The Town needs to add new speed signs and replace outdated/damaged ones along Stone Road, including “Reduced Speed Ahead” signs. This would require the Road Crew to install about six 35 MPH signs and two 25 MPH signs. The Board members agreed that it would be appropriate for the Crew to get started on the project, and Mr. Haggett will pass along the request to Mr. Peck.
4. New Business:
A. Highway: (Mr. Peck did not attend this evening.)
1. Conduit under East Street: Mr. Haggett made a motion to table until the next meeting; Mr. Kimmel seconded: 2-0-0.
2. Personnel
• Performance Review: Mr. Haggett made a motion to table the review for a Road Crew employee until the next meeting (following a consult with Mr. Peck); Mr. Kimmel seconded: 2-0-0.
• Insurance Invoice: Mr. Haggett and Mr. Kimmel went into Executive Session at 7:15 p.m. to discuss, returning at 7:25 p.m.
B. Planning Commission Appointment – Gwynn Zakov
• Gwynn Zakov was in attendance and gave a brief description of her experience. She moved to Brookfield last year and has spent 11 years on the Barre City Development Review Board and Zoning Administration before that. She is also an attorney for the VT League of Cities and Towns.
• Mr. Kimmel made a motion to approve Ms. Zakov being appointed to the Planning Commission; Mr. Haggett seconded: 2-0-0.
C. Washington Electric Permit
• Mr. Kimmel made a motion to table this until we can get more details and Mr. Benson is attending; Mr. Haggett seconded: 2-0-0.
D. Addition of a garbage can on west end of the Floating Bridge
• Mr. Kimmel noted that it will add to the Town’s cost for garbage/recycle removal.
• Mr. Haggett commented that we would need to make sure it is secure, so as not to have it become a “traveling” trash can. He will ask Mr. Peck to put in posts for it.
• Mr. Kimmel made a motion to approve the addition of a garbage and recycling can at the west end of the bridge dependent upon it being secured; Mr. Haggett seconded: 2-0-0.
E. Painting Contract
• The Selectboard received two bids.
• Mr. Haggett made a motion that the Board approve the painting contract with Stan Wheeler for $4,500 according to the contract, pending proof of insurance from Mr. Wheeler; Mr. Kimmel seconded: 2-0-0. The Board noted that invoices must be submitted by June 23 for payment by June 30th.
5. Old Business:
A. Approve Minutes of March 26 meeting: Mr. Haggett made a motion to approve the March 26 minutes; Mr. Kimmel seconded: 2-0-0.
B. Approve Minutes of April 9 meeting: Mr. Haggett made a motion to approve the April 9 minutes, Mr. Kimmel seconded: 2-0-0.
C. Approve Minutes of April 23 meeting: Mr. Haggett made a motion to approve the April 23 minutes; Mr. Kimmel seconded: 2-0-0.
D. Approve Minutes of April 2 Special meeting: Mr. Haggett made a motion to approve the minutes from the special meeting on April 2; Mr. Kimmel seconded: 2-0-0.
E. I-9s: Administrative Assistant Kasey Peterson still needs payroll documents from a couple of Town employees; they will be contacted and encouraged to provide the information as soon as possible.
F. Drug and Alcohol Policy: deferred until the next meeting.
6. Payroll/AP Warrants: Mr. Haggett made a motion to pay the warrants totaling $14,024.51. Large bills include BCBS (health care): $3,759.60; McCullough Crushing (gravel): $3,293.50; Pike (gravel): $2,600.01. Mr. Kimmel seconded: 2-0-0.
7. Other Proper Business: Trash and sanitary issue at Ridge Road residence: the Town sent the owner a warning notice via certified return receipt. The Town will monitor the response and follow up as necessary.
8. Mr. Kimmel made a motion to adjourn at 7:38 p.m., Mr. Haggett seconded: 2-0-0.